Recent content by junipercloud113420

  1. junipercloud113420

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    silkie couple having a picnic on a hill with red crepe myrtle trees and red, white, and blue roses watching fireworks
  2. junipercloud113420

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    peacock wearing American flag hat with chicks holding flags and fireworks and jets
  3. junipercloud113420

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    three chickens standing in front of the American flag with their chests puffed out and fireworks going off
  4. junipercloud113420

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    you can get food and mix it with warm water to make a mash and get some on your finger and try sitting in her mouth. get a syringe for water you can just squirt it gently into her mouth
  5. junipercloud113420

    Foot problem

    it looks like bumblefoot
  6. junipercloud113420

    Chicken Diapers

    try Wal-mart. or you can get a sock and make a diaper out of it, you just have to change it every two to three hours
  7. junipercloud113420

    Should I be concerned

    it looks like they took sand baths and they got some dirt stuck in between their feathers
  8. junipercloud113420

    rooster's pulling hens feathers out on head

    I have four bantam roosters and four bantam hens they all free range
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