Recent content by JulieCB

  1. JulieCB

    No egg for a week -- is this normal?

    I have one four-year-old Rhode Island Red, the remaining hen from my original flock that I raised from chicks. Last October we added four new hens who are about 9 months old and who are laying well. Everyone is friendly. My RIR has always been a very reliable layer but she has not laid an egg...
  2. JulieCB

    Age-old question: pullet or cockerel?

    Brought home these four beauties last weekend. They are 10 week old “Ameraucanas”. All have small, pale combs. The black one has the largest but still looks like a single row of tissue. They all look like girls to my very untrained eye. Other opinions? Many thanks.
  3. JulieCB

    Flock integration advice needed

    Thank you very much.
  4. JulieCB

    Flock integration advice needed

    A couple of weeks ago I wrote and asked about adding new birds to my existing flock. At that time we had lost 2 of 4 hens and I was wondering about adding additional pullets. Everyone was in agreement that it was better to do it sooner rather than later so three days ago, we brought home four...
  5. JulieCB

    Whether to add new chickens

    Thank you. Great ideas.
  6. JulieCB

    Whether to add new chickens

    We have heaters we install in the winter but the weather here is very mild this time of year. It's still in the 70s during the day, getting down to the mid-50s at night. But we can install a heater if needed.
  7. JulieCB

    Whether to add new chickens

    We raised four chicks in spring 2020 and all have happily co-existed. In the last month we have lost our two Buff Orpingtons leaving a RR and Australorp. I am uncertain whether to add additional chickens at this time. From what I've read, integration can be a lengthy process and may be...
  8. JulieCB

    New bullying behavior

    I have four chickens, all 2 years old and all raised together since they were chicks. They have lived peacably together until this week when I noticed some comb damage on one of my Buff Orps. Since then I have observed the other three chickens ganging up on her, pecking and forcing her to the...
  9. JulieCB

    Need advice for injured hen, please read

    Thanks so much for the reassurance.
  10. JulieCB

    Need advice for injured hen, please read

    One of our Buff Orps has a broken beak. The break is near the top of the beak, not the tip. It looks like a piece has cracked but is still attached. I have an appointment with an avian vet first thing in the morning. I fed her a scrambled egg which she ate, and she has access to water and...
  11. JulieCB

    Fragile eggs

    I would appreciate any advice on this topic. About a month ago, I discovered a shell-less egg in our nest box. We have four hens, but I am not sure which one laid this egg. There has always been one hen who lays eggs with thinner shells than the rest but again, I have not determined which...
  12. JulieCB

    Roost alternative?

    Here's our fix. We'll see if it's enough. Before on the left, after on the right. We lowered both roosts, the bottom one about 4", the top one 6". If necessary we'll add an even lower step or ramp. Thanks for everyone's help.
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