Recent content by juliamichell

  1. J

    Lethargic Hen, Not Eating or Moving

    My hen began falling sick a week ago then stopped eating and was wobbling.the vet diagnosed calcium deficiency and gave me liquid calcium. She ate a little sweet potatoe and pear then stopped. Vet gave me powder food. Over 2 days she’s become worse. Eyes closed, not moving, not eating. Started...
  2. J

    Favus or Thrush?

    Thank you! This site has been the answer to a prayer. So much knowledge, information and support. I really needed it. x
  3. J

    Favus or Thrush?

    Thanks I’d been wondering this. I hadn’t caught the scaly leg mite which may have migrated to her face and the blue eye? Maybe a red herring? I keep expecting her to fall ill but as her legs And face improve So does her general disposition.
  4. J

    Favus or Thrush?

    More than amazing to be able to share worries and anxieties about chicken keeping. They really are more to take care of if than I imagined. My hen has started laying again! She’s partially bald but the skin looks ok. Her legs are improving. She’s active and noisy and eats voraciously. Could she...
  5. J

    Favus or Thrush?

    No it’s not cold here. Algarve, Portugal. But sorry, the black seemed to rub off eventually.
  6. J

    Favus or Thrush?

    Thank you. I didn’t euthanise her as she was and still is active and eating. Feathers all returned. Scaly leg mite that might have moved to her face.
  7. J

    Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management

    No. They can be treated. Ivermectin and you can Vaseline their legs to suffocate the mites.
  8. J


    Started with an early moult, treatment for parasites-dust, spray, drops, wormer in water. After a particular spray she seemed to worsen, she seemed traumatised. Her skin turned yellow from the spray. Bumps on her feather follicles, turned black. They seemed like egg clusters but I read of...
  9. J


    This has been going on for 5 months.
  10. J


    I have two bantam hens, 1 has suspected Mareks while her sister seems symptom free. Is this possible?
  11. J

    Hawk injury: Will she heal if kept infection free?

    Personally I’d keep her in and separated longer as the others may be interested in her wound?
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