Recent content by JudiRose

  1. JudiRose

    georgia giant

    Georgia Giants are bobwhites. They're delicious. The breast is fairly white and the legs are dark. Judi
  2. JudiRose

    First time = success!

    I hatched a couple of batches of eggs for the first time recently (quail and chickens). VERY much fun. :) Congrats. Judi
  3. JudiRose

    Question about quail meat

    I'm sorry to just now be answering this. I didn't see it for some reason. To some degree, we've butchered them according to the time of year and when we need them. But they're usually around 12 weeks old. Very, very tasty and tender. I've made them a variety of way; fried, stewed with dumplings...
  4. JudiRose

    how do you open a quail egg?

    I also use the quail cutters. I got mine off Amazon (left a review, even, which is unusual for me). Works like a charm. Peeling them is another matter. That membrane is so tough. I let the eggs get a couple of weeks old before boiling or steaming, and that helps, but they still don't always look...
  5. JudiRose

    Question about quail meat

    Thanks so much for writing. We're thinking that at this point we'll just stick with our bobs. Appreciate the response. Judi
  6. JudiRose


    Congrats on the baby quail. We just had 30 come out of the incubator a couple of days ago. We just got our incubator not too long ago, and I've hatched only the quail and some 11 marans. It's fun and highly addicting. It's sort of like all of a sudden the (poultry) world is your oyster. Judi
  7. JudiRose

    Question about quail meat

    We are very much novices to quail raising. We just started raising jumbo bobwhite quail this summer and have raised about 500. We've hatched, sold, and butchered (still have a couple hundred more to butcher), but are also interested in trying coturnix. We love the meat from the bobwhite, but...
  8. JudiRose

    Comment by 'JudiRose' in item 'Cochin'

    Beautiful little birds!
  9. JudiRose

    BYC Is Against SOPA & PIPA

    My first post here (I think), but wanted to say that I did contact all my reps and asked them NOT to support this legislation. Thanks for the alert! This is a big deal.
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