Recent content by JTsfunnyfarm

  1. JTsfunnyfarm

    Broody Hen on eggs in snow 🤦‍♀️

    Well. You’re never going to believe this. So far the gals have hatched two in the window well. More on the way. The two cold eggs I put in the incubator…. Went to check them today when I got home and the first one I candled had internally pipped. Fricken WILD. I’m going to them hatch the rest...
  2. JTsfunnyfarm

    Broody Hen on eggs in snow 🤦‍♀️

    Still nothing -however- Yesterday I checked on them 3 times (I can’t help myself I’m so invested now). When I went the second time two eggs were out from under them/the little nest. I was worried so I went back maybe an hour to an hour and a half after. I braved the cackling hens and the eggs...
  3. JTsfunnyfarm

    Broody Hen on eggs in snow 🤦‍♀️

    So. As an update- apparently she invited her sister in and they have been sharing the original eggs 🤦‍♀️ we decided to candle today for the first time….. 3 of the 20+ eggs are internally pipped. Once we checked those 3 we decided to leave them alone at this point. The eggs are tiny and the...
  4. JTsfunnyfarm

    Broody Hen on eggs in snow 🤦‍♀️

    I would really love to give her straw but my hubby is threatening divorce over straw in the window well. She is totally protected from wind/snow. The house overhang goes right over where she’s choosing to nest. I -have- been ‘sneaking’ her food and some ‘natural’ nesting materials that hubby...
  5. JTsfunnyfarm

    Broody Hen on eggs in snow 🤦‍♀️

    Hello, I have a hen that was MIA. We found her proudly sitting on a clutch of 20+ eggs in my basement window well. She had been sitting for quite a few days when we found her but we have now experienced a massive temperature swing. 16c to -2c and she still insists that she’s hatching the eggs...
  6. JTsfunnyfarm

    Barnyard mix poultry contest! Ends July 31st!

    My sweet Melania ♥️
  7. JTsfunnyfarm

    The Church of Zoltan ⛪️

    I ordered a custom church coop for my rooster Zoltan. They did not disappoint.
  8. JTsfunnyfarm

    Barnyard mix poultry contest! Ends July 31st!

    Well. See we aren’t sure. I have a funny flock. It think it’s my lavender Orpington rooster and the black hens. The guy who gave me them said they were ‘some French breed’. I also have two showgirl roo’s- one black & one white. I’ve had really interesting birds hatch. And then 3 polish hens, and...
  9. JTsfunnyfarm

    Barnyard mix poultry contest! Ends July 31st!

    Polish x showgirl Basically living Lorax characters 🤷🏼‍♀️
  10. JTsfunnyfarm

    Black Mystery Hens

    I was given 5 hens- the man who gave them to me has no idea why breed they are. They lay large size medium brown eggs and dark green/olive eggs. They have a green tint to their feathers in the light. Any guesses?
  11. JTsfunnyfarm

    Gender games, haha

    3 & 4 pullets
  12. JTsfunnyfarm

    Crazy crosses gender help!

    The black line under 3’s eye was me accidentally when I was adding the numbers to the photos 🤦‍♀️
  13. JTsfunnyfarm

    Crazy crosses gender help!

    I agree- my initial thoughts on the blue/lavenders is cockerels for all 3. However one of them is now not looking like the other two.
  14. JTsfunnyfarm

    Crazy crosses gender help!

    This coop has 8 birds total: - 2 with the barred appearance - 3 grey -2 NN silkie x polish -1 grey silkie x polish I will get more/better pictures. I thought with the barred looking ones I might have created some weird sex link- those chicks seem to come out black with yellow dots on their...
  15. JTsfunnyfarm

    Crazy crosses gender help!

    I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing 😂 My husband says I have a mongrel chicken factory at this point 😅😂😅
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