Recent content by Joshp

  1. Joshp

    What about a Rabbit hutch to keep quail?

    Hey everyone, i personally havent done this, but have seen people who have. the idea is that you make the bottom of their cage full of sand, and when they crap, you leave it to harden then you just use a small sieve, or fish net with wider holes to pick up the solids and leave the sand behind...
  2. Joshp

    Silkie chick colors!!

    Is anyone able to predict what colours mine will be? In the photo I've numbered the chicks, the colours indicate which look the same. Number 3 is half black and half grey at the moment hence the 2 colours. I have a buff hen, a white hen and a black hen. The rooster is what I think is...
  3. Joshp

    HELP!! Chick hatched with big belly!

    Hey Everyone! I'm still having trouble trying to send images? I'm on my iPad, does that make a difference? Thank you so much everyone for your help, and I still have some more questions after this if you can help me out. Well I'll update you all now on the little survivor. So far the little...
  4. Joshp

    HELP!! Chick hatched with big belly!

    Dry method? I use a small 12 egg incubator with an automatic turner. How do you incubate?
  5. Joshp

    HELP!! Chick hatched with big belly!

    Hey everyone, 2 issues, My light Sussex eggs are on day 23 and only one has hatched and, the one that has hatched has a massive belly and on its stomach it looks as if there a hole into its belly. I can't attach a photo as I don't know how but I I'll try to attach one later. Please help :(
  6. Joshp

    Cage designs!!

    Whats the minimum size that a quail can have, because im wanting to build a cage, i just want to see how many ill be able to fit into it.
  7. Joshp


    Hey everyone, i have some beautiful chicks hatching and one in particular is worrying me, he/she has a bent neck, or a wry neck as its called for chickens? What do i do???? Also some of their feet are curled in? Please hit me with some help with brooding and any other tips please!! Thanks everyone
  8. Joshp

    Can i keep king quail and japanese quail together?

    Oh okay. Dayum. Becausw i have three button quail and about 25 day old Japanese quails.
  9. Joshp

    Can i keep king quail and japanese quail together?

    Hi, just curious, can i keep japanese quail and king quail together? Or will they fight?
  10. Joshp


    Okay thank you!
  11. Joshp


    My incubator is a 48 Quail egg/ 12 chicken egg incubator. It has a yellow lid but is unbranded. It has two little access holes to put water in at the bottom! Im assuming my water ran low and dropped the humidity, but i dont want to add too muxh water while im at school because then the humidity...
  12. Joshp


    Hey everyone, ive done all of my research so i decided to give it a shot. A few weeks ago i bought an incubator, and this week ive been monitoring its hunidity and temperature. So far its been managing perfectlt but last night i put some japanese quail eggs in. I left for school and the temp and...
  13. Joshp

    Help with 1 week olds quick!!!!!

    Im only new to quail myself, and your title says 1 week but your post says 11 weeks, if they are 1 week old, maybe they are too hot in your brooder!
  14. Joshp


    Hey everyone, I just signed up. I've had heaps of my chicken in my life, but recently I've decided to get some quail, hence why I have come here. Thanks :)
  15. Joshp


    Hey Everyone, im new to all of this quail business. I recently bought 3 king quail (1m 2f) and they are going just fine. I also have bought a 48 egg auto turning incubator, yesterday i received 48 japanese quail eggs and those went in the incubator(dont worry, the king and japanese quail will...
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