Recent content by jolly wattles

  1. jolly wattles

    5 week old chicks not enough space!

    They don't have a momma hen. And they're too big for her anyways.
  2. jolly wattles

    5 week old chicks not enough space!

    It's not possible to build something. And I didn't say in the coop, I said in the enclosed carport.
  3. jolly wattles

    5 week old chicks not enough space!

    We were unexpectedly awarded chicks by one of our broody hens on Thanksgiving. They are now 5 weeks old. We weren't setup to brood chicks so we quickly went to lowes and got a 75 gallon container and heat lamp. They are now quite crowded in the container. Only problem is temps outside are highs...
  4. jolly wattles

    brown spon on yoke

    Could you post a pic? Not sure what you mean about you having a rooster but gather the eggs within hours.
  5. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Then we both be standing still in the dark LOL. I kid I know what you mean
  6. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Yeah my chickens aren't sitting quietly on a scale while I perform photography.
  7. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Lol none of my chickens are near 11 pounds. And you have so over that? I cant keep a chicken still enough for a kitchen scale.
  8. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Curious how most of yall accurately weigh your birds? For dosage purposes.
  9. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Naw. I got a machete.
  10. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Thanks everyone for the replies
  11. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Wow. Very informative list. Thanks!
  12. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Baby aspirin. Interesting
  13. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    Oh yeah. And scissors. Tape.
  14. jolly wattles

    What's in your chicken medicine cabinet?

    I have no real issues at the moment. Just curious what the average chicken owners keeps stock of. So what you keep stocked in your chicken medicine cabinet? Ours: Bandages Gauze Neosporin Wormer Permethrin Vetrx Bluekote Electrolytes I maybe missing a few items.
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