Recent content by Johnhutch

  1. Johnhutch

    Head missing on free range bird

    Ok I just lost my 8 month rooster and he was a pretty big guy, I heard alot of noise in the yard and looked over an seen him laying ackward in the yard (my roo) so when i went to investigate, his head was smashed and they were eating at his upper body, I hated removing him but his was pretty...
  2. Johnhutch

    Size of Eggs

    the white egg is from my 30 wk old California white... This is just about normal for her....
  3. Johnhutch

    Size of Eggs

    I believe that came from one of my RIR
  4. Johnhutch

    Size of Eggs

    This egg is 4 inches long an 6 inches wide (round).. Amazing...
  5. Johnhutch

    My first year raising Hens... Wow!!!!

    Rooster or hen. This one cockadoodles
  6. Johnhutch

    My first year raising Hens... Wow!!!!

    I have recently moved an my girls have settled in an are back on a regular schedule an I have just found out that what I thought was a hen is a rooster or at least I think she or he is.... I just heard her cockadoodle dooing, I'm wondering how can I tell for sure an when will have to start...
  7. Johnhutch

    Roosting question and soft egg question, and egg laid on the floor question..

    My hens refuse to use a nesting box so they have a corner in the coop where they have shoved a bed of shaving and they all lay there... I'm thinking not to interfere... I took the nesting box out the coop since they kept taking the hay out of it n putting it on the floor...
  8. Johnhutch

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Well my fridge is full of eggs at 6 months my girls started laying every day now 2 of my 20 wks old is laying, I have 10 total and today I got 8 eggs.. nice size to....
  9. Johnhutch

    My first 2 eggs 2 days ago now nothing

    Well mine were doing great, an now I'm devastated as something has attacked my California whites, her feathers are all over the yard but no sign of her n no blood, just oodles n oodles of her feathers.... I'm bummed now... She was putting out xlarge eggs.
  10. Johnhutch

    My first 2 eggs 2 days ago now nothing

    Well finally 3 of my girls are laying on a regular basis now the others need to get with the program before they become chicken
  11. Johnhutch

    My first 2 eggs 2 days ago now nothing

    Ok they are now 2 days shy from being 6 months old an I get one egg.... They go outside every day, I can't let the free range but I think I need to increase their area and lock them out the coop in the daytime...
  12. Johnhutch

    My first 2 eggs 2 days ago now nothing

    Still not one egg... 25 wks old Monday, combs n wattles bright red n very very nice size yet no one is thinking of laying squat.... All they worry about is treat time...
  13. Johnhutch

    24 weeks and NADA

    Their coop I a big 10x10 box with boxes against the floor... The day I got eggs I was doing my monthly cleaning of the coop, the have a run of about 8x6, I thought I checked everywhere, the big girls don't have 2 many hiding places since I cleaned, but will definitely check again... Thanks
  14. Johnhutch

    24 weeks and NADA

    ok I get the patience thing but to tease me with 2 eggs and then nothing for a solid week, and your getting treats daily, from bread, grapes, lettuce an so forth, give me a break.... They are so fat an plump they could become dinner easily.... Look at them
  15. Johnhutch

    Poop everywhere, How can I control this

    Ok so my girls will poop on anthying. They have a long wide roost yet the continuosly sit on the top of their nesting boxes an poop all over them... Is their a way I can control this. Right now I go out and clean it every other day. I was going to put a sand box in their coop but not sure if...
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