Recent content by joer77

  1. joer77

    Coturnix Quail and Serama chickens

    I am creating a large Coturnix Quail avairy/habitat. I will have grasses, bamboo, small trees and bushes. I wanting to add a few Serama's and maybe some doves/fantail pigoen's to the avairy. I was wonder if the Quail and Serama will be aright together. The will have separate coops. Any thoughts...
  2. joer77

    What breed to choose?

    I am chicken less for the first time in 8 years! I am up dating my coops and limiting myself to one breed. My old set up was for Barnevelders and a group of mix hens. Then with servals predator attacks and a inherited flock of mixed breeds of chickens, my plans where foiled. After rehome all my...
  3. joer77

    Plants for Avery type run.

    I am wanting to plant up 16by16 enclosure Avery off my chicken runs. I am wanting it to look like natural bird exhibit. There will only be a few birds in it at a time. It is sort of a play area not their main runs. There is a large Hackberry tree already in the middle of this area, which I know...
  4. joer77

    Comment by 'joer77' in article 'Raccoon - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Coons'

    I have had a awful season for predators this year. I live on a 1/2 acre city farm in Dayton Ohio. I have caught over 30 raccoons, 7 possums, 2 skunks and have had 3 birds of prey attacks! This is in the city! I have lose over 40 bird this year! I down to 8 birds now. My coops have locks on all...
  5. joer77

    Litter bedding for runs

    I am looking to redo my chickens run enclosure. I think of using construction sand/gravel mix on dirt. I thought Limestone with dust might be too hard on the bird's feet. They do get free range time weekly. I have used the deep compost way but leaves my bird too wet after rain. My coops are part...
  6. joer77

    Joe's City Farm

    Joe's City Farm
  7. joer77

    Endangered Breeds of Chicken

    Yes, I checked "The livestock conservancy". Does anyone know about the Crevecoeur breed? Are they flighty or aggressive? How is their production? I keep finding different reports on them.
  8. joer77

    Endangered Breeds of Chicken

    I am thinking of choosing a endanger breed of chicken to add to my set up. I raise Barnevelder's, Black Cooper Marans, and Serama's now with a mix's of layer hens. I would like to pick a dual breed that is a good producer of both meat and eggs. I like good temperamental chickens that are well...
  9. joer77

    Farm Innovators Digital Circulated Air Incubator 4250

    The water trenches are in the middle. DUMB! I have to leave two eggs out of my turner and use a baster to fill.
  10. joer77

    Farm Innovators Digital Circulated Air Incubator 4250

    Hi I was wondering if anybody has this model 4250 of Incubator. I don't understand why there is an extra wire/plug off the digital monitor. It's a red wire with a blue end on it. I don't see anywhere to plug it in. Also is there a way to add water without having to take the lid all the way off?
  11. joer77

    Rooster leg problem!

    I have a 1 year old Ameraucana rooster that has a knot on one of he's legs. He hops around on one foot. He eats a mix of scratch feed, meat crumbles and layer pellets and roost like all the other chickens. Has anyone else had this problem. Would a round of antibiotic do any good and if so what...
  12. joer77

    My rooster has a bad leg.

    Hi My Americana rooster has a knot/swollen leg. He hops on one foot now. the swollen knot is at the joint where the leg and thigh meet. I see no wounds in the area.I thought it might have been bumble foot at first but his foot look fine. the knot looks like it is getting bigger. Is there...
  13. joer77

    Silver Laced Barnevelder Chicks/Hatching Eggs?

    I know sell them. A bit costly thou. they are out of Florida . They have many rare breeds
  14. joer77

    What do I need to know before build a DUCK house?

    I am getting ready to build my duck their home. I watch a P.Allen Smith video about his ducks. He stated the ducks like to nest on the ground/earth. I was think of putting the nesting boxes part of the coop on the bare ground. Is this a good idea? I live in ohio and winters can be really cold...
  15. joer77

    Plants safe forMy Ducks and Garden Bantams?

    I have a pair of Khaki Campbell , one Rouen drake and three Ducks. I am getting ready to put in a nice size pond and new pen. I also would like to put some bantam chicken in this area. My concern is there are many plants in the area I wish the place their pen. Not wanting to poison or make my...
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