Recent content by joebryant

  1. Joebryants Chicken Coop

    Joebryants Chicken Coop

    My BLUE ORPINGTONS at six month old Tristan Isolde Tristand and Isolde roosting with the two black hens, Aida and Leontyne MY SILKIES Victoria and her chick. Victoria with her chick inside their south coop MY TWO COOPS If not for so many people on this forum, this two-section...
  2. joebryant

    Soil or concrete, whats cleaner?

    Quote: Well, I have to say that for an old coot you have a fantastic setup. Really enjoyed viewing reading your My BYC Page. That's one of the best setups that I've ever seen. You've done a terrific job getting all those grasses, weeds, trees areas going. "You can learn a lot from a lazy...
  3. joebryant

    Soil or concrete, whats cleaner?

    Quote: Well, I have to say that for an old coot you have a fantastic setup. Really enjoyed viewing reading your My BYC Page. That's one of the best setups that I've ever seen. You've done a terrific job getting all those grasses, weeds, trees areas going.
  4. joebryant

    Hurry up Springtime.. I want more babies!

    I have it on good authority that it's never going to get warm again in Indiana and we're all going to die.
  5. joebryant

    Soil or concrete, whats cleaner?

    With your being from the "Mediterranean sea" (whatever that means) and your having "no predator problems", I, personally, have no idea of what/how to best advise you. More information is needed.
  6. joebryant

    PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

    [email protected] : Thank you everyone for the welcome. I guess I still have some homework to do and some books to buy for research. Back to the yogurt, can I make it with the milk we buy from the store? I buy Whole milk, Grade A Pastureized an Homoginized. Will that work for the yogurt or do...
  7. joebryant

    Okay, Rebels, we Yankees need you now.

    Quote: WOW! That's going to be one fantastic coop when it's finished. Your lucky to have a dad who can/will build you and your chickens something like that.
  8. joebryant

    Gracie working on Heel, Heel position, and front.

    Quote: Smart dogs are lots of fun. Gotta love Rotties!
  9. joebryant

    Eacher harts out, ladies!

    Quote: darkmatter, isn't that woman's work? See, you did it ONE time, so now it's your job for life. Pity.
  10. joebryant

    Eacher harts out, ladies!

    mr. birdaholic : I have ALOT of trouble loosing 10 lb's. SIR, have the dog removed from your tummy, and you'll be back to your normal weight.
  11. joebryant

    Eacher harts out, ladies!

    Quote: March 26, 1938 - 2010 = 72
  12. joebryant

    welp I did it. I culled my beautiful roosters.

    Have you tried keeping a rooster just to see what the neighbors' reaction would be? My neighbors are more tolerant of my roosters' crowing than I am; sometimes the noises drive me over the edge. When I call the neighbors, they say "no problem", but then they don't have them right outside...
  13. joebryant

    Eacher harts out, ladies!

    Quote: ANNE? I'm the saint around here! Well, sorta anyway. Somewhat? Stop me when I get it right.
  14. joebryant

    Foods You HATED As A Kid, But Like Now

    My kids learned to eat anything served because they knew that their mother and I couldn't care less if they ate or not. What the heck, the less they ate the lower the grocery bill.
  15. joebryant

    Eacher harts out, ladies!

    LOL Did I say "ladies"? I meant to say "crazies".
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