Recent content by joan1708

  1. joan1708

    Can't Upload Pictures

    I am using an iPad and I don't see how I can get to the desktop version. Please help!
  2. joan1708

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Can you not post pictures on an iPad? I just downloaded the Ap and still don't see a way. Searching "download picture" didn't enlighten me either. Nor could I delete this post. Sorry you had to read this
  3. joan1708

    Will Broody silkie with adopted 2 day old chicks be ok in 102 degree heat next week?

    Hi, I never raised baby chicks. Here's the story - one of my 2 remaining silkies died last week. My one remaining silkie was broody so I bought her 2 chicks from the feed store and put them under her 2 nights ago. She accepted them instantly. Now I'm worried about the heat wave coming. The...
  4. joan1708

    Idea's on building a quail aviary

    l'm hoping a generous mulch layer and not to many birds will be enough. We will see.:)
  5. joan1708

    Texas A&M Coturnix Quail question

    I once talked to Dr Thornberry myself (must have been 20 yrs ago) about my rabbits that I had at the time. He was very nice to speak to me personally. He must of been (or maybe he still is) a very good guy.
  6. joan1708

    Idea's on building a quail aviary

    I'm thinking of building a large wicking bed (10 ft by 3 ft)., raising it up off the ground about 3 ft. Putting a cage over top (hardware cloth over utility panel). I want to grow quail habitat ( partridge pea, buckwheat, Timothy hay....) and put 10-12 quail on it. Of course I will have a...
  7. joan1708

    Smart weasel-dumb weasel

    Are you going to cover the holes with hardware cloth so you don't loose anymore chickens?
  8. joan1708

    Comment by 'joan1708' in article 'Bamas Chicken Coop'

    nice! how did it turn out?
  9. joan1708

    Comment by 'joan1708' in article 'Boom Goes my Budget'

    Looks like it has perfect ventilation. I would LOVE that!
  10. joan1708

    Comment by 'joan1708' in article 'Mini Chicken Barn'

    Looks awesome!
  11. joan1708

    Help! Need chicken yard landscaping advice!

    I'm going to put down plastic chicken wire on the ground this spring to control the scratching, which I think causes most of the destruction. I'm going to leave a big compost pile alone for my girls to play in but I want to try to grow a few things in their yard. It seems to me that they will...
  12. joan1708

    Keeping Run Smell & Flies Down?

    Too keep the smell and flies down. I make sure there is plently of room for the birds. I make sure there is plently of litter (I use mostly leaves, and shredded paper). I have PDZ but I don't really use it because I don't need it.
  13. joan1708

    Comment by 'joan1708' in article 'What should I do with that old trampoline?'

    Very clever. Nice looking coop!
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