Recent content by Jld13

  1. J

    Brittle eggs

    They used to be normal shells but have gotten thinner the past year. Yes, they are on layer feed as well.
  2. J

    Brittle eggs

    Hello, I have one girl out of 9 that lays the most fragile, thin eggs now. She’s three in April. I have oyster shell out and give them back their egg shells crushed to supplement calcium. They have cracked as she’s laid, I’ve watched, or they crack when I try to pick them up. I’m afraid one...
  3. J

    Are these eggs fertilized?? No rooster…

    I don’t have a rooster that I know of lol. One hasn’t laid yet and will be one in March. These are four different hens’ eggs… is that a bull eye??
  4. J

    Is this a fertilized egg?

    Thank you for the info! 😃
  5. J

    Is this a fertilized egg?

    I didn’t think I had a rooster, but the random call the other day made me start thinking. Then seeing what might be a bulls eye I thought I should ask experts haha.
  6. J

    Is this a fertilized egg?

    Still kind of a newbie to chickens. I have one that’s 10 months old and hasn’t laid. I think she’s a she. I did hear a random cockle doodle doo one day but never again. Is this egg fertilized? It’s not the first time I’ve seen this but now…. Im curious?? Thank you!
  7. J

    Aggressive chicken

    Update She was isolated for over 48 hours. I let her out and she immediately jumped on another chicken’s back and was biting her like crazy. I separated her again. Now what? Do chickens just turn aggressive out of nowhere? 😢
  8. J

    Aggressive chicken

    Hello. I have three that are 3, two that are 2 and four that are nine months. So nothing new She literally flipped a switch and went from sweet and calm to attacking others. She eats and drinks and otherwise acts normal.
  9. J

    Aggressive chicken

  10. J

    Not laying…. 34 weeks

    I don’t know the answer to that. I’ve always purchased feed from the feed store. I might start looking into making my own as well 🙂
  11. J

    Not laying…. 34 weeks

    Yes!! I have 9 and get about 3 a day. Several of mine are molting too. And a few others I think have retired on me and they’re only 2&3 years old. 🙄🙄 I love them like crazy but want my eggs haha. I get your frustration!!
  12. J

    Not laying…. 34 weeks

    Southern Utah. I’m so impatient… I’ve been looking forward to her chocolate eggs 😂😂
  13. J

    Not laying…. 34 weeks

    No I haven’t. She’s the most skittish one out of the group…. But let’s my husband pick her up. 🙄. How does one check the spacing??
  14. J

    Not laying…. 34 weeks

    My Dorothy is a 34 week old black Copper maran. She’s never laid. I have a total of 9 chickens, 4 of which are also 34 weeks and they’re all laying. Every chicken is a different breed. No roosters. They’re in a very large chicken pen, there’s not a secret egg stash, there’s plenty of nesting...
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