Recent content by Jim41

  1. Jim41

    Chickens Eating Eggs

    Thanks for all the info sorry i havent replyed sooner but have been really busy. I feed purinia layena crumbles and pellts mixed also they have oyster shell grit and a scoop of scratch a day. the chickens are defenitley the egg eaters i have seen them eatting the eggs, and find shells in the...
  2. Jim41

    Chickens Eating Eggs

    My RIRs are eatting a lot of eggs. What should i do ? Seems like a waste of money to feed them if im not getting eggs. Have 15 chikns and if i get lucky and get to the eggs before they do i get 4or5 a day some days 0. they have food scratch o shell and fresh water why do they eat eggs?
  3. Jim41

    Chickens Eating Eggs

    Thanks everyone great advice. I try and get eggs as soon as pos. yesterday I got 10 good eggs 1 soft shell out of 15 of my RIR . No cracked ones. Two were double yokers. yeah!!
  4. Jim41

    Chickens Eating Eggs

    I fond two of my rir eating a soft shell egg that one chicken has been laying whie on the roost. and now I found two eggs in the nest boxes with what looks like small holes pecked in them and part of one shell . What to do?
  5. Jim41

    One laying soft shell eggs while on the roost

    I have 15 RIR and am getting 9 eggs a day now. They are 19 weeks old. But I find an egg under the roost every morning with out a shell, this morning it looked like an regular egg but was soft. Does this mean she is getting better . Is there anything I can do ?
  6. Jim41

    One laying while on roost.

    Yes have golf balls in the nest boxes, some chickens are laying in the boxes but one is haveing trouble figureing it out, maybe she will find a box soon .
  7. Jim41

    One laying while on roost.

    My girls started laying last week . Ive gotten six eggs so far, four from 2 nest boxes one from the run. But ive found two broken eggs under the roost. Will she start laying in a box on her own or is there something i can do to help? I have 15 RIR .18 weeks old
  8. Jim41

    Bedding ?

    I thought it would keep bugs away . and make it smell good didnt know it would bother the girls. THEY JUST STARTED LAYING should i dust them for bugs on a regular basis or just if I see a problem.?
  9. Jim41

    Bedding ?

    I thought about useing cedar shaveings in the coop and nest boxes. Is it ok to use ?
  10. Jim41

    best way to clean eggs

    Thanks for the info its very appreciated.
  11. Jim41

    best way to clean eggs

    Yeah! got my first egg today, and was wondering what the best way to clean them is?
  12. Jim41

    Im in Pennsylvania,where are YOU?

    I'm near Punxsutawney and just got my girls april 1st.
  13. Jim41

    New to the site and enjoying it.

    I got 15 hens in april and having a ball. haven't had chickens since I was a kid. This site is great lots of info.
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