Recent content by jf carker

  1. jf carker

    only 11 of 26 fertile eggs hatched in 'bator

    Iv'e alway's heard that 50% is a good number to hatch from incubating. sounds like you are pretty close to those odds. I just incubated 36 and now have only 19 baby chicks. I took 2 out at day 14 after candeling. 11 didn't hatch. 3 that did hatch did not make it past the fourth day. I did crack...
  2. jf carker

    Turner or not

    Well, good question. My Rooster is an Ameracana. I have one Americana Hen. 5 of her eggs hatched. Several White Leghorns, and several Barred Rocks. Obviously, the only pure breds are the Americana's. I don't know what to call the others. I will get some pic's on tomorrow. Thanks...
  3. jf carker

    Turner or not

    Thanks for all the help ya'll. I took it out Friday, and Friday night they started hatching. As of 2pm today I had 23 new baby chicks and 1 still trying to make his way into the world. I still have 9 eggs that are not doing anything. I think they are not going to happen. Tuesday will be day 22...
  4. jf carker

    oh no! This is a site you can go to that will answer your question about the cracked egg. There is even a short video of candling a cracked egg... Joe
  5. jf carker

    oh no!

    If the egg is cracked, I don't think it will survive. I could be wrong, so you might leave it there for a couple of days to see whay happens... Joe
  6. jf carker

    Silkie just hatched with red bottom??Help

    Great myspace Cindy. You sound like a very busy person. I wouldn't worry to much about the little red bottom unless it does't seem to get any better in a couple of days. We are all teetering on insanity. Normal is a cycle on a washing machine. Joe
  7. jf carker

    Turner or not

    My eggs are due to hatch on the 22nd of this month. I know I am supposed to turn the turner off 3 days before hatch, but I'm not clear on wether or not I'm supposed to remove the turner and place the eggs on the wire screen at the bottom of the bator. I'm getting conflicting stories. The last...
  8. jf carker

    Day 19 4 chicks hatched and many others pipping update**********

    You should leave them in there until they are completely dry. They have a hard time regulating their body temp. anyway. I don't know about the game bird starter.. Joe
  9. jf carker

    Can I let my chickens out

    I have 18 hens and 1 rooster. It seems that they lay an egg about every 25 hours, and will not lay at night. So, you can't expect to get 1 egg per 1 chicken every day. As far as how many in a coop, They only need about a 12"x12" box for each one. They like to be off the ground, and they will...
  10. jf carker

    feeding chickens

    At about 1 month/ 4 weeks, you can start introducing scraps to your chickens. They will eat just about anything you give them. They will not eat anything that is bad for them. Somehow they know what they can and cannot eat. Iv'e even whatched mine fight over frogs they find.
  11. jf carker

    Can I let my chickens out

    My chickens run loose all day, but at dusk they all run back to the hen house where they sleep. I lock the doors at night to keep the varments from eating them since they are totally blind in the dark. In the morning I let them out and feed them a little scratch before they start their day. They...
  12. jf carker

    Mystery Egg, Doesn't It Look Lonely in There?

    Who would have ever thought we would be waiting with baited breath for eggs to hatch? Although this is just a hobby for me, I am really starting to enjoy it. Good luck with chance. I have 34 out of 36 left in the bator due on April 22nd.. Joe
  13. jf carker

    Set Eggs Yesterday Morning for the BIG Hatch...Total count is....

    I just started 36 eggs, 6 Americaunas, 6 white leghorns, 12 rhode island red, and 12 barred rocks. I started incubating them on the 2nd. I had a little problem with the larger eggs falling off the turner until today. I purchased a different type of turner that holds the eggs a little more...
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