Recent content by Jenessa_09

  1. Jenessa_09

    Nine day old chicks and momma

    Been a couple of weeks any updates?? ❤️
  2. Jenessa_09

    Help I rescued a chick!

    Wow! That’s so far away! 😂 Well to em it doesn’t look like a pheasant because of the wings. But idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ @Kiki
  3. Jenessa_09

    Help I rescued a chick!

    Where did you get it from?
  4. Jenessa_09

    Barnevelder chicks, different feathering patterns, boys vs girls.

    Wow, I can definitely see the difference. Keep me updated, I’m really interested! Thanks for the photos of the adorable ones 💖
  5. Jenessa_09

    Silkie won’t stand

    You check for that, isolate her from the flock and treat her, I dong know if it was worms. Do you have a pic?
  6. Jenessa_09

    Silkies eye swollen shut

    Wow, I’m not good with predators and stuff like this, but dip his beak in water keep him HYDRATED!! Put electrolytes in his water, or give him an egg yolk. I didn’t understand the damage to the coop, did you see any holes were there any places you saw the raccoon could’ve gone through??
  7. Jenessa_09

    Silkie won’t stand

    How old is she?? You just noticed this morning?
  8. Jenessa_09

    Is it realistic to caponize a pet “illegal” cockerel?

    Funny but adorable 😂❤️🤷🏼‍♀️
  9. Jenessa_09

    Is it realistic to caponize a pet “illegal” cockerel?

    Ahh! Don’t talk about that!! 😢
  10. Jenessa_09

    Is it realistic to caponize a pet “illegal” cockerel?

    But don’t they still crow after that?
  11. Jenessa_09

    Old chicken limping :(

    Ooh that sounds bad! Maybe she has a twisted foot/ankle? You should get a X-ray . I’m really worried
  12. Jenessa_09

    Should I move my broody hen?

    Yeah didn’t work for me last year, but that’s because they had a talk week difference in age. Hopefully it works
  13. Jenessa_09

    Is it realistic to caponize a pet “illegal” cockerel?

    Yeah so there’s no reason to do it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I agree it can make them more mellow, but why would you not want fertile eggs? It’s no harm
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