Recent content by jefra

  1. jefra

    Utah anyone?

    wow! wasn't expecting to see any activity on this thread.... Clemson -where are you located? RIR chicks are pretty prevalent right now, but pullets and hens I'm not as sure about. I'd type in an "In Search Of" at KSL classifieds under "poultry" for what you're looking for. I have one hen, if...
  2. jefra

    Mille Fleur D'Uccle Eggs

    gol - beautiful birds! do they have the feathered feet? I know nothing about hatching eggs - only familiar with chicks, but these are lovely.
  3. jefra

    help me experiment with sexing

    OK - this has been WAY too much fun to read! Thank you all so much! Off to go experiment...
  4. jefra

    Encouraging Broodiness

    thanks guys. ok. so I'll get some ceramic eggs and leave them in the nest then. hopefully that will help. i'm banking on the buff orp to go broody, but we'll see... sigh. I had the best silkie who was the best broody but she's long gone now and never had a chance to hatch anything. such a...
  5. jefra

    Encouraging Broodiness

    We have 4 girls - a RIR, a Buff Orp, a SLW, and a Americauna. We'd love to stick some eggs under one of them but not one is acting broody at all. Is there some way we can encourage broodiness? What do the conditions need to be? Will they go broody on their own? and what can we do if they...
  6. jefra

    a He or a She? Rhode Island Red

    ahhh - very interesting cause when i went to pick that first one up today she did the whole low back, wings splayed, submissive thing that my silkie did when she was laying. So good to know. She's always making some kind of low long clucking noise - not quite a growl but much noisier than the...
  7. jefra

    MacGyvering Nest Boxes? please share....

    ok - i'd love to know what kinds of creative nestboxes you all are using out there. Shoeboxes? Bins? Garbage cans on their sides? It seems like it'd be a pretty basic thing to MacGyver out of things laying around the house and yard. Pics please? thanks!
  8. jefra

    Nest box use/timing

    not that i'd know or anything, but i'm going to put in a couple nest boxes early and equip them with golf balls so that the girls' get the idea that this is where the eggs go. that way, when they actually start laying they'll know 'just the spot' to lay .
  9. jefra

    a He or a She? Rhode Island Red

    OK. Don't know if this is a he or a she. It's the bolder of the two birds that i got as peeps last spring. I assumed they were sisters, but I just don't know anymore. and for contrast, this is the sister... thanks!
  10. jefra

    When does my foster broody start laying again?

    she's been molting, but looks to be on her way out of it. whaddya think? how will i recognize "the song" they do when they lay? should I keep her penned all day to know if she's laying? (she'll just loooove that! ) off to check the bushes.
  11. jefra

    When does my foster broody start laying again?

    i have a silkie (1 year old-ish) who's been a broody foster mom to three of my chicks for a month and some now. This makes my oldest chick about 10 weeks and the youngest about 7 or 8 weeks. I've noticed lately when I go to pick up the silkie she takes "The Stance" - the submissive mating stance...
  12. jefra

    how do I stop chickens from eating my flowers?

    I'd like to know about this too - bitter apple? cayenne spray?
  13. jefra

    Feed Store Mistake - s'posed to be an Australorp?

    That's true! I don't think I've seen a SLW where hte edges of the feathers are reversed like that. That makes more sense! THanks SO much - off to do a search here for SLW pullet pics.
  14. jefra

    Feed Store Mistake - s'posed to be an Australorp?

    thanks guys. i'll repost when she gets a little older....strange though eh?
  15. jefra

    Feed Store Mistake - s'posed to be an Australorp?

    Ok. So I got this black chick from a feed store. She was supposed to be an Australorp. But then she started growing feathers. I'm baffled as to what she could be. Any guesses what she is? She's about 2 months old - maybe more.
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