Recent content by JedJackson

  1. JedJackson

    Hen or Roo

    Wyandottes are a little different. Maybe it's because they have rose combs instead of single combs. Whatever the reason, we see the laced Wyandotte females with larger, redder combs at an early age pretty often in here. The thing to go by with them is the evenness of the lacing, particularly on...
  2. JedJackson

    9 Week Polish Chick Hen vs Roo

    It's too early to say with certainty, but my guess is that they're both cockerels. Within a few weeks males will show the deeper colored shoulders and the long, thin, pointy saddle feathers, so 12 to 13 weeks is the best time to tell gender.
  3. JedJackson

    Guesses on what colour this ameracauna will be

    This chick doesn't really match any color for Ameraucanas. I think it is an Easter egger instead.
  4. JedJackson

    White Legbar Chicks?

    They look right for white Legbars, but there are no guarantees unless you trust the breeder. Too early to tell gender but so far no signs point to any of them being a cockerel.
  5. JedJackson

    What is she??

    Where was she purchased from? Hatchery, store, or backyard breeder?
  6. JedJackson

    Please help me sex these chick photos, multiple angles each.

    As for breeds, 2 is probably a Sapphire Gem or some type of egger 3 is a Legbar cross type olive egger or Easter egger 5 is a blue laced red Wyandotte 7 is a typical Easter egger, the type that was around before all the new designer Easter eggers the hatcheries are now selling.
  7. JedJackson

    Boy or girl

    I think it is a cockerel, too. The pictures aren't too clear, but the size and color of the comb indicate a male at 12 weeks old. Females would generally have smaller and paler combs at that age.
  8. JedJackson

    Guess the Barnyard Mix

    Tough to say for sure. Both are bearded, and they probably got that trait from the OE father. OEs aren't typically white, so the mother of the white chick probably was. Maybe a Leghorn or white rock. The other isn't as easy to tell, but when it's older it might be easier to make an educated guess.
  9. JedJackson

    Dark Bramha - Pullet or Cockerel?

    That's a great way to approach the situation.
  10. JedJackson

    Sapphire Gem Cockerel or Pullet please!

    It's either a cockerel of another breed or a Sapphire Gem pullet that is developing early. Male SGs should have the white spot on the topside of the head and barring, but this has neither.
  11. JedJackson

    Please help me sex these chick photos, multiple angles each.

    Chick 3 is the only one I see that looks like it could be a male, at this point anyway.
  12. JedJackson

    Crossed with a legbar?

    She appears to have a little crest, so I think it is a good bet that it's a mix with a Legbar. That is the only breed listed that has a crest.
  13. JedJackson

    Victimized by tractor supply Hen vs Roo and a ?

    1 buff Orpington female 2 buff Orpington male 3 blue laced red Wyandotte male 4 maybe a splash Andalusian or some type of hybrid. Female. 5 black lace3d red Wyandotte male.
  14. JedJackson

    Rooster or Hen?

    The red one is a male, and I think the rest are females.
  15. JedJackson

    Dark Bramha - Pullet or Cockerel?

    That's a cockerel.
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