Recent content by jcbrownacu

  1. jcbrownacu

    Cream Legbar acting lethargic and drooping tail feathers. Newbie here

    The last 3 days my cream legbar as been acting really lethargic. Walking and closing her eyes and laying down alot. She's still eating some and drinking, but something is not right and I honestly have no idea what to do. Any help is appreciated. Shes about 8 months old and has been laying for...
  2. jcbrownacu

    Are turkeys good for a weekend farmer?

    We have a nuisance law here. No regulations just once a neighbor complains then the city comes to inspect. Im only on a 1/6 acre lot though so I dont know if that is enough room?
  3. jcbrownacu

    Are turkeys good for a weekend farmer?

    I could raise them at home to be a few months old. I just don't think the neighbors in the city would appreciate the noise.
  4. jcbrownacu

    Are turkeys good for a weekend farmer?

    Hey all! I was wondering if turkeys were something I could raise at my ranch, but im only there on the weekends. If so, any tips or sites you can direct me towards. I can pen them, protect them, whatever is necessary in order to do it. Thanks!
  5. jcbrownacu

    My eggs are hatching!

    3 are out! 2 more are pipping as of this morning. I woke up just in time to film #3 coming out!
  6. jcbrownacu

    My eggs are hatching!

    How are you supposed to sleep with the excitement going on!?!? 3 out of 7 are pipping. Can't wait to see what happens when I wake up!
  7. jcbrownacu

    My first shipped eggs! An incubation adventure

    woohoo! keep the pics coming! i still have 7 viable eggs so im only a few days away!!!
  8. jcbrownacu

    Lavender Orpingtion Chicks - Northeast Texas

    Do you ever head towards Dallas?
  9. jcbrownacu

    My first shipped eggs! An incubation adventure

    Ive got 7/20 as of last night. Pretty bummed but hoping most of those hang in there.
  10. jcbrownacu

    My first shipped eggs! An incubation adventure

    Here's hoping for no more quitters! I hope my are ok. Ive had some incubator issues. Guess Thursday/Friday will be the day ill find out!
  11. jcbrownacu

    My first shipped eggs! An incubation adventure

    I'm following along with your progress. I'm just a couple days behind you. How many of your shipped eggs are doing well?
  12. jcbrownacu

    My hatch is VERY staggerd...Advice?

    This thread is worthless without pictures!!! We want fluff butts!
  13. jcbrownacu

    Brinsea mini advance taking a long time to heat up

    so i put a blanket around it and that seemed to do the trick. i made sure to not cover the vent hole and im really only covering about 1/3 of the side plastic. it's weird that it's having trouble keeping warm. the room is so warm too. very frustrating. im going to call brinsea here in a bit and...
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