Recent content by jca

  1. J

    11 week Easter Egger (resembling an Ameraucana)

    We have one more hen who is 90 days older (Chip) who is already laying. She has exhibited rooster-like behavior when a cat came around. It was adorable. Chip, we actually hatched ourselves. We got two chickens last year but a racoon got them in the fall. The kids were in such mourning that we...
  2. J

    11 week Easter Egger (resembling an Ameraucana)

    Hello. I got this one as a chick commercially (we have named it Neckpecker) and they assured me it was a hen but from what I understand they are only like 95% accurate with that and easter eggers are the hardest to tell. A lot of the feathers are very round but there is an ever so slight curve...
  3. J

    3 days since her first egg and no second one yet.

    Is this common? She seems fine. No one is bullying her (though she seems to engage in some lite bullying, herself). We weren't expecting her first egg until about a week from now, anyway, but it seems like once that system is running it should run normally? Anyone know?
  4. J

    Introducing baby chickens to a single hen.

    We hatched three chickens on December 1st. Two turned out to be roosters so we gave them back and now we have one hen by herself. We had planned to hold on to one of the roosters as long as we figured the neighbors could tolerate to keep the hen company, but had to give him back about three...
  5. J

    Help me find out this chick's gender!!

    I am by no stretch an expert but I would give it a 60% chance that it's a hen.
  6. J

    Three unknowns

    Fleef is definitely a rooster (started crowing) and I'm pretty sure Chip is a hen. Tally is a rooster and we gave him away about a month ago because he started crowing early and kept picking fights with the other two. Fleef and Chip mostly get along but we're only hanging on to Fleef to keep...
  7. J

    New babies

    do you know what kind of easter egger? At 4 weeks it is like 20% bigger than the others and I wanted to look up if that is common for its type. But of course I have no idea what type it is..
  8. J

    pasty butt?

    is this pasty butt or an umbilical scar? I've seen her poop a couple of times so I know it's not "completely" blocked yet.
  9. J

    New babies

    Hello. I just bought three new baby chickens last Thurdsay - presumably born on Tuesday (28FEB). They apparantly sex them but I've heard somewhere there is around a 1% chance they are wrong. They are a Barred Rock, an Ameraucana, and a silver Wyandotte. Is there any behavior to look out for to...
  10. J

    Three unknowns

    what's the difference between the saddle feathers on Fleef vs the saddle feathers on Chip (the smaller white chicken)? Mind they both came from blue eggs and are one day apart. I can see Chip's saddle feathers are a little shorter but then Chip is a smaller bird overall. Or is Chip also a...
  11. J

    Three unknowns

    Short answer: yes. Long answer: Our first two hens were discovered by a raccoon late last fall. Kids were really sad about it and they only sell chicks commercially around here in the spring, so we asked a friend to give us some fertile eggs. She gave us 6 and 3 hatched, saying she's fine...
  12. J

    Three unknowns

    Well, I thought it was settled but then came across these pictures of a confirmed hen: side by side for comparison: All the tells I thought made Fleef obviously a rooster are on this hen as well. I guess I just won't know until it crows (or lays an egg). Going on 12 weeks, though..
  13. J

    9 Week old Speckled Sussex - Tizzy or Ted?

    how did this turn out? I have a friend with a speckled sussex adult male and female that are pretty much identical, to my eye..
  14. J

    Three unknowns

    seems pretty definitive. My final ask is for Chip. Pretty sure it's a hen but we are far from eggsperts. This was taken at 11 weeks and one day - (s)he doesn't hold still so it's hard to get a good picture. Also might be worth noting its about half the size of the other chickens, though born...
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