Recent content by Jayden Owens

  1. J

    Heart attack in Rooster, prevention and chance?

    We have been feeding them the layer feed so there's a chance it could've been that too. Do you know about any better options to feed them all? For a while, we used the starter feed since we knew about the issues roosters have with the layer feed. Or would the best option be getting two different...
  2. J

    Heart attack in Rooster, prevention and chance?

    Just a few hours ago, our 2 year old silkie rooster died of what I assume is a heart attack. I saw him he thrashing around on the coop camera and immediately ran out to him, he was atill moving literal seconds before I ran out to him but we were unsuccessful at bringing him back. We still have...
  3. J

    Male chick but no comb

    I have four 2 month old silkie chicks and for a while now I suspected they are 2 female and 2 male. The two I think are males have noticeably grown larger than the other two, but only one of them has a comb. They both stand and behave like adolescent roosters, but the one chick hasn't even...
  4. J

    Are store bought nesting pads safe for baby chicks?

    Okay, thank you! It feels better to be sure
  5. J

    Are store bought nesting pads safe for baby chicks?

    Not a single person is talking about it on the internet so I am asking myself. I recently got nesting pads I saw at the store and decided to replace the straw im using for my 4/day old chicks and their mama hen. But now that i put them in there and the chicks and mama all set to go I'm no...
  6. J

    First time hatcher needing advice

    Update: 4 out 5 eggs successfully hatched, unfortunately number 5 pipped but passed sometimes in the first 24 hours, the other 4 chicks pipped and fully hatched within 1 hour so I assumed number 5 didn't make it. Even though it remained under mama hen this whole time, the interior was dried out...
  7. J

    First time hatcher needing advice

    Once again thank you! Sorry, guess I am crazy nervous for my first time hatching some chicks, your advice definitely helps ease it!
  8. J

    First time hatcher needing advice

    Thank you for the advice! I do have one more thing I'm concerned about. I read that first time mother hens can kill her newly hatched chicks... how frequently to cases like that occur? I've read up on what to do in case it happens but it worries me still
  9. J

    First time hatcher needing advice

    I've had chickens for the past 7 years, 3 americauna in 2018 and then 4 silkies last year in 2022. (First chicken to pass was one of the americuanas from ascites at 6 years old, we relocated one of our silkies cause 3 out 4 turned out to be roosters, and just last week I lost my precious...
  10. J

    Is there a way to test a chicken's vision?

    I have 3 silkie chickens that were born in April, when one of them was a few weeks old I noticed his eye was bigger than the other. Nothing came of it though and no symptoms of any possible disease showed and he has grown to be a happy healthy chicken. He's a very nice rooster as far as...
  11. J

    Hen poop is clear with speckled black spots

    Okay, here's the full story. I have three 6 year old Americana hens, and one of them has water belly, that has been figured out sometime ago. I've had her drained regularly, but this recent time was the first time I did it myself. I noticed she was kind of sluggish so I figured it was time to...
  12. J

    Baby silkie chick has partially swollen eyelid

    I have 6 week old silkie chicks and I noticed just yesterday that one of them has a swollen upper eyelid. There isn't much swelling but I do believe it's getting worse. So far there is no signs of any serious infection, no discharge from the eyes or noes, they are sneezing but they all have been...
  13. J

    Is Betacillin Drops (Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium for Oral Suspension) okay to give to chickens?

    Yesterday my 6 year old Americana hen had surgery where she had a stuck egg removed (eggbound) but she was also having respiratory issues while they checked her out. At the end they gave this antibiotics, but on the box it says if for use in cats and dogs. We used it before for our cats. Is this...
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