Recent content by JasonWaterfalls

  1. J

    Whiting True Blue - Hopefully not a rooster!

    It was. Turned out to be a big one at that. But I gave him to someone breeding whitings and we’ll be able to get some of his chicks at some point.
  2. J

    First time dealing with injury

    Thank you. Here’s an updated picture. It’s deeper than I thought but not bleeding today and so looks a little improved. We have her separated and have put neosporin on twice since I posted yesterday. Think this looks treatable?
  3. J

    First time dealing with injury

    Any advice welcome here. I saw this morning one of our chickens has a wound on her head. I assume I should put Neosporin or Blue Kote on it but we are leaving town in two days for a long weekend. I don’t know if separation is realistic since we are leaving. By the way we have 5 hens in our flock...
  4. J

    Hole in egg- safe to eat?

    This seems like it would be a frequent question but I haven’t found it exactly. Sorry if so… Four chickens laid in the same box this morning before I could go collect eggs. I think someone stepped on (or pecked) one but not through the membrane because nothing comes out when I tip it over. Is...
  5. J

    Stray Chicken

    I actually do have an idea of whose it might be because they let their rabbits roam freely in everyone’s yards and I’ve suspected they may have chickens too. If it’s them, they are very unapproachable so I’m not sure what to do. Anyways thanks for the input!
  6. J

    Stray Chicken

    The past several days there has been a stray (I assume barred rock) hanging around my coop on the other side of the neighbors fence obviously checking out my chickens. I know the neighbors don’t have chickens so I don’t know where it came from but I’m wondering if I should take it in. I’ve...
  7. J

    Bug ID

    I should add that these are tiny. Maybe 1/8” long.
  8. J

    Bug ID

    Can anyone ID these bugs? It may not be related to my chickens but every time I go out to the coop the last couple of days I come back with a few on my ankles or back of my neck so I assume they are getting on the chickens as well. Thanks for any help!
  9. J

    Coop and Cold

    Thank you that helps!
  10. J

    Coop and Cold

    Hello. This is my first fall/ winter season with chickens. We have freezing temperatures expected the next three nights where I am in Georgia. I am attaching a photo looking at the coop from outside the run, through the run, into the coop through a large opening with hardware cloth. The...
  11. J

    Introducing New Pullet not Vaccinated

    Hello. I am pretty new to this. I purchased day old chicks from a hatchery that were vaccinated for Mareks and Coccidiosis and have been raising them for 12 weeks now. I’d like to buy another pullet from a local place nearby that vaccinates for Mareks only. I have two questions. 1. Might I...
  12. J

    Whiting True Blue - Hopefully not a rooster!

    Unfortunately, not legally in my county. And the neighbors are on high alert 😅. I didn’t think I’d have a problem getting rid of one if I had to but it’s our first time and the family’s favorite because he/she is so friendly.
  13. J

    Whiting True Blue - Hopefully not a rooster!

    Thank you guys. I look forward to learning a lot here. Can you point out what makes you think cockerel? It’s hard for me when comparing to the others since they aren’t the same breed.
  14. J

    Whiting True Blue - Hopefully not a rooster!

    Hello. I’m a first time poster and new to chicken keeping, so sorry if this seems obvious to others. I have been raising four chicks that were sexed as females from Murray McMurray. They are eight weeks now. One of them is a Whiting True Blue. She’s our favorite and I’m hoping she really is a...
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