Recent content by J0shGoodrich

  1. J

    help sexing these chicks?

    also is this method of sexing chicks accurate? found it on youtube
  2. J

    help sexing these chicks?

    Hey guys these chicks are 1 week old now and i’ve sexed most of them to be hens (wing feathers extending all the way across their body and feathers 2 different sizes) but 3 of the chicks wings aren’t extending across their body, but their feathers are still 2 different sizes. are these roosters?
  3. J

    how much should i sell polish/easter egger chicks for?

    i do not know how to sex them
  4. J

    need to know breed of these chicks

    awesome ill check it out. thanks so much for the help!!
  5. J

    need to know breed of these chicks

    would the polish mixes be the ones with or without the crest? I was thinking the ones without the crest are the mixes and the ones with are the straight polish maybe not tho
  6. J

    need to know breed of these chicks

    the first picture is one with a crest the 2nd picture is one without
  7. J

    need to know breed of these chicks

    The only rooster we have is polish so all chicks will be at least part polish. we also have some easter egger hens so some will be EE/polish mixes. are the chicks with crests on their heads straight polish or could those be EE/polish mixes??
  8. J

    how much should i sell polish/easter egger chicks for?

    gotcha. they are polish/ee mixes and straight polish. we have a polish rooster and a couple ee hens and some polish hens. so 8 for the polish ones and 5 for the ee polish mix?
  9. J

    how much should i sell polish/easter egger chicks for?

    most chicks on Craigslist are going for around $6-$8 in my area, but wasn't sure if it depends on the breed and stuff
  10. J

    how much should i sell polish/easter egger chicks for?

    Hey guys! I am selling polish/easter egger chicks in my area and am not sure how much chicks usually go for. I already have people asking to buy and for prices. I was planning on selling them for $8 ea. but kinda thinking that might be too high? what do you guys think?
  11. J

    What breed are these hens? Looking to hatch eggs but not even sure what breed i’ll end up getting. The roo is polish

    gotcha. do you think hatching mixed breeds is a good idea? I have neighbors also interested in buying chicks but not sure if polish/eggers would sell... what do you think?
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