Recent content by J at Yoti Farms

  1. J at Yoti Farms

    Can I feed my chickens peanut shells?

    Chickens will eat shredded paper
  2. J at Yoti Farms

    My DIY automatic chicken POP door opener/closer

    Looks good to me, simple, low cost, and it works.
  3. J at Yoti Farms

    Do chickens eat tile grout?

    I would not use tile for the coop floor
  4. J at Yoti Farms

    foof and water IN the coop

    We have ducks and chickens together and because of the ducks we can not keep any water inside of the coop, they make a mess really quick. We keep the food inside of the coop.
  5. J at Yoti Farms

    Mixed flock feeding (chicken/duck for eggs only)

    I do not think that you want to give a mixed flock layer feed
  6. J at Yoti Farms

    help with did feeder please!

    Or two 45 with a short pipe connecting them
  7. J at Yoti Farms

    help with did feeder please!

    You could use longer turn 90 or
  8. J at Yoti Farms

    Our automatic chicken waterer!!

    If you are in a cold climate it will freeze
  9. J at Yoti Farms

    Indiana BYCers chickenfest 2015

    You could always have everyone bring an item and auction the items to raise money
  10. J at Yoti Farms

    Indiana BYCers chickenfest 2015

    Do we have a date or location yet?
  11. J at Yoti Farms

    2X4 roost.

    Why do you need to round it off?
  12. J at Yoti Farms

    building a run

    Figure out what size you are wanting
  13. J at Yoti Farms

    Chickens and ducks

    On Only one drake
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