Recent content by ItsAZOO32

  1. ItsAZOO32

    Hatched from a silkie egg???

    That's the cutest chick i think I've ever seen lol
  2. ItsAZOO32

    Purebred Silkie Hatching Eggs

    I woulda like to get in line for 18+ tho ship early November. My birthday it's the 6th so I'm hoping for a beautiful birthday paint ;)
  3. ItsAZOO32

    HELP! Assist Hatching!!

    Do you still have the styrofoam box this came in? I have heard that this style of incubator can be difficult with temp regulation and that keeping the base in the styrofoam box can help.
  4. ItsAZOO32

    HELP! Assist Hatching!!

    They are just suggesting you test them in icy water to ensure they are accurate first
  5. ItsAZOO32

    Comment by 'ItsAZOO32' in media 'HELP! READ!'

    oh goodness.. anything new to report? What kind of incubator are you using? Temps? Humidity? Tell me about your procedures and I will try to help. I have been a very successful hatcher with local eggs and pretty darn good with shipped eggs at times.
  6. ItsAZOO32

    Purebred Silkie Hatching Eggs

    WOW! These are beautiful.. I will be back once this incubator full hatches :)
  7. ItsAZOO32

    Comment by 'ItsAZOO32' in media 'HELP! READ!'

    It's really hard to tell from these pictures. Are you seeing movement in there? Have all the others hatched?
  8. ItsAZOO32


    Hey all.. Know it's been a while.. Looking for one pullet, any breed about 6-8 weeks old to keep a suddenly single youngster company. S. Titusville. Thanks
  9. ItsAZOO32

    BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

    Got my first Isbar egg today!! WOOO!!
  10. ItsAZOO32

    BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

    My one lovely Isbar should start laying before to much longer. She is rather shy..hoping that calms down once she starts laying.
  11. ItsAZOO32

    SWOLLEN EYE? my hen needs some help (PICS)

    I really don't believe my hen had eye worm unfortunately. Her's was some type of other infection. What I removed was exclusively pus and I did not locate any type of a worm in there. She ended up dying within a week of this so I really believe she had some type of illness. :(
  12. ItsAZOO32


    hey all.. Looking for just a few young birds.. BCM and OE's please.. 2 of each? Less than a year old? east central fl.. space coast area
  13. ItsAZOO32


    Anyone interested in a very handsome Appenzeller Spitzhauben roo? About 9 months old. Free to good home :)
  14. ItsAZOO32

    BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

    I LOVE them .. I really wish that I had hatched a splash.. Splash ANYTHING are my faves
  15. ItsAZOO32

    Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

    Well, I don't have any other roosters .. I'm not allowed to have them where I live :( I do have a few hens that can be quite bossy with the "youngins". Maybe one of them is keeping him quiet? AWESOME! Please let it stay that way!! How does he look quality wise? I love his crest!!
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