Recent content by Irolita

  1. Irolita

    Blue or Lavender?

    Thanks. That's what I was suspecting.
  2. Irolita

    Blue or Lavender?

    I hatched some eggs this year that I got from a lady who is breeding Lavender Ameraucanas. They are very cute and doing well. But I'm quite confused about the colours. I believe they should be either Lavender or Black only. But I have a couple that I think(?) look blue, not lavender. Don't blues...
  3. Irolita

    Just hatched

    Thank you!
  4. Irolita

    Just hatched

    Thanks! and Congratulations to you too :-)
  5. Irolita

    Just hatched

    I've had hatchery layers (Barred Rocks, Columbian Rocks, RIR) for quite a few years. But this year I bought lavender and black Ameraucana hatching eggs. And they just hatched yesterday. This is the first time I've hatched myself, so I'm quite excited and wanted to show off pictures. There are 11...
  6. Irolita

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Thanks! I won't tell him that though. His head would swell even more!
  7. Irolita

    Awww... thanks! Thanks for remembering from last year too :-)

    Awww... thanks! Thanks for remembering from last year too :-)
  8. Irolita

    The 2023 BYC Calendars are here!

    Gorgeous calendar! Thanks!
  9. Irolita

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Rufus. My young Rhode Island Red roo.
  10. Irolita

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Thanks! Nice when they hold still long enough to stay in focus ☺️
  11. Irolita

    Any idea what types of chicks these are?

    Thanks very much! I'm not so worried about roosters. I have two already, and separate coops/pens that I can move roos into. Or I can rehome. I just don't really want meat birds that get too big to be comfortable.
  12. Irolita

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    My young roo... Rufus. He's only five months old. He was posing for me last night.
  13. Irolita

    Any idea what types of chicks these are?

    Someone dropped these chicks off to me as day olds. I'm not quite sure where they came from, but the story was that they bought eggs that started hatching unexpectedly. The whole story was odd, and I heard it secondhand from the person who delivered them to me. So I really have no idea how any...
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