Recent content by IreneArm

  1. I

    Rooster Head Injury!

    He's free-ranging with the rest of the flock, and usually eats the layer food. The shots were 4 ml on March 15, 17, and 23, so about a month. I don't know if he's vaccinated; I got him from a friend who got him from a hatchery. He may not be a sebright, but he's definitely a bantam.
  2. I

    Rooster Head Injury!

    I have a 2 year old Sebright Bantam rooster who is having nerve problems. He twists his head 360 degrees around and has a hard time eating. He fell into water during the winter, and I dried him off as soon as I could, but he hasn't perched on the roosting bar since then or crowed. Recently his...
  3. I

    Hen turning into a roo?

    I put eggs from my other hens under a broody hen I had, and two hatched. The mama hen is back to laying eggs! One of the chicks was an Americauna-Buff Orpington mix, and he was crowing from week 8. I gave him to a friend who knew a friend who wanted a rooster, so he's fine. His sister, a Rhode...
  4. I

    Introductory Post!

    It will be hard. It's more about the movement. If she puts too much pressure on one leg, she '"slips" and goes into the splits. What does a splayed leg mean?
  5. I

    Introductory Post!

    Hello. I'm a first time chicken owner. I got my 10 babies about 6 weeks ago. Five chicks are Rhode Island Reds, and the other five are Amerricona. I am hoping for all girls, but I'm sure boys would be fine. I got started on Backyard Chickens when one of my chicks started doing the splits. If...
  6. I

    My chick is doing the splits!?

    I am a first time chicken owner, and would love help. I have a chick who keeps doing the splits, but she can get up fine. She eats and poops fine. and if the fastest of my 10 chicks, but she lays down a lot. Any ideas about what to do? I haven't done any thing yet, having just notices it.
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