Recent content by Ipse Dux

  1. Ipse Dux

    Pool Party! Perfect baby pool.

    Very unique setup there. Makes it easy to see them, and, as you noted, contains the mess.
  2. Ipse Dux

    Raising and caring for ducklings

    Pleased to oblige!
  3. Ipse Dux

    Raising and caring for ducklings

    Thanks so much for your help! They're not fully feathered yet, and they're in a small pen outside during the day, inside at night. We can wait another week or two for those feathers!
  4. Ipse Dux

    Raising and caring for ducklings

    Oh, nighttime temps are still in the 40s.
  5. Ipse Dux

    Raising and caring for ducklings

    They'll be four weeks old tomorrow. Outside temps are ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. Ipse Dux

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Apache plume, a member of the rose family
  7. Ipse Dux

    Raising and caring for ducklings

    I also need to know what age is appropriate to move them from the small pen to the back yard coop. Anyone?
  8. Ipse Dux

    Question of the Day - Sunday, April 28th, 2024

    Whatever's blooming!
  9. Ipse Dux

    Another Mama Heating Pad example

    Many, many, many thanks for their post and these pix. I made one like this for my new ducklings. So far, so good, though getting the temp right has been difficult for me, due to my inexperience.
  10. Ipse Dux

    Here for the ducks!

    Thank you know kindly!
  11. Ipse Dux

    Here for the ducks!

    I appreciate your kind wish. I hope that here I can find the info that will make a positive difference for them.
  12. Ipse Dux

    Here for the ducks!

    Thank you kindly! I really want to do the best I can for them.
  13. Ipse Dux

    Here for the ducks!

    I especially appreciate the link, as I just landed and don’t know my way around yet.
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