Recent content by iosRANDALL

  1. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    Really bummed. We lost her. We tried (we includes all here on BYC’s who offered their expertise and encouragement). We woke up a couple mornings ago and she had died. Haven’t been thrilled about making that report here knowing everyone was hopeful. I really wanted to offer a report of a much...
  2. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    @azygous @KikisGirls @aart @micstrachan @leighks @lazy gardener @peckpeckpeck Just got in a little bit ago from making sure everybody was situated and tucked in for the night ok in the coops. I felt Lacy’s crop and it had a little in it -not much -less than there was 4 hours ago -and not real...
  3. iosRANDALL

    Comment by 'iosRANDALL' in article 'How to treat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing with'

    Very good article! As I mentioned, Lacy’s yesterday evening crop wad was the same as this morning’s crop wad- about the size of a walnut, firm and somewhat lumpy. I was able to massage and empty it this morning after getting about a teaspoon of coconut oil in her. It took about 2 or 3 minutes of...
  4. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    No, Lacy has never been wormed. I haven’t wormed any of them in the year we’ve had chickens. I’m going back to read post #26 as per @azygous suggestion. Thanks @KikisGirls . Thanks @azygous
  5. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    The adult Jersey Giants were our first -a year ago. Followed a month or so later by a few Agri Co-op 5-day-old chicks, which included Lacy. Then a couple of months later the guy we got the Jersey Giants from provided us with a family of Black Copper Marans (mom -dad -and seven 1-week old...
  6. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    @GC-Raptor Unfortunately for Lacy I didn’t catch this post of yours until after our 60 mile round trip to Tractor Supply. My wife went and got the grit while I went for the two 50# bags of chicken feed. She picked out the “chick” grit. I just checked. That’s what we bought :-(
  7. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    @aart @azygous @micstrachan @leighks @lazy gardener @peckpeckpeck @KikisGirls We got back from Tractor Supply with the granite grit but no SafeGuard chicken wormer. They had dog and cat SafeGuard but no chicken. Go figure. I first tried offering the grit to Lacy in a bowl. Not interested. So I...
  8. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    THANK YOU @KikisGirls! I’ll look for that too while I’m there! Is that primarily for round worm?
  9. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    I absolutely agree! Great folks—knowledgeable, experienced, and very helpful! It’s kind of like finding extended family you didn’t know you had :-)
  10. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    Thanks @red horse ranch! I’m going to give her some boiled egg right now. Then take a drive over to Tractor Supply for the granite grit.
  11. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    Both of our local farm supply stores are closed on Sundays (Agri Co-op, and MonArk Feed and Supply). I’d forgotten about Tractor Supply 30 miles away. They’re open on Sundays. It just popped into my head when I read your post here. I’ll head over to get some. Thanks a bunch folks! I’ll let you...
  12. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    Thank y’all! @KikisGirls @azygous Thanks for the photo of the bag of granite grit. I’ll look for that tomorrow. In the meantime I just remembered that our driveway has 48 years of gravel on/in it. I think it’s maybe granite. I’m going to sift it for some small stuff and present it to her and...
  13. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    @aart @azygous @micstrachan @leighks @lazy gardener @peckpeckpeck (and anyone else who offered their words of wisdom that I might have missed), Thank You. I very much appreciate your experienced advice! Update on ‘Lacy’— I got up early to check her crop. She was still on the roost with her young...
  14. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    @micstrachan , @CSAchook , @peckpeckpeck ... Thank You. Very much. I’m reading that article on sour crop. It’s ‘impacted’ with a lot of good information! Things I was never aware of.
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