Recent content by Insnesnakos

  1. Insnesnakos

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5 eggs from 8 birds yesterday
  2. Insnesnakos

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Has this week been going by slowly for anyone else? Everyone I've talked to says it has.
  3. Insnesnakos

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My birds chill in the blackberry patch all the time It's only a problem when the fruit's ripe
  4. Insnesnakos

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That's possible, I'll see if I can spot it or set up a camera It's been happening to the sunflowers too, only the leaves are eaten though
  5. Insnesnakos

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Another one of my pumpkin seedlings disappeared again... I can't figure out what it is. The entire garden bed is surrounded by netting and it couldn't have been bugs
  6. Insnesnakos

    Five Fluffybutts

    That's strange... I live in New York and didn't even know about this 🤣
  7. Insnesnakos

    Five Fluffybutts

    I didn't even notice until I looked back at the pictures
  8. Insnesnakos

    Five Fluffybutts

    Just curious, what does "boyd" mean?
  9. Insnesnakos

    Five Fluffybutts

    I'm pretty proud of this :p
  10. Insnesnakos

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Looks delicious :p I've never seen pizza with a topping made like this before, it looks great too
  11. Insnesnakos

    Hen or Roo?

    Looks like a cockerel
  12. Insnesnakos

    Hen or rooster

    The first pictuere is definitely a cockerel Has he started crowing yet?
  13. Insnesnakos

    Should I use different waterers?

    I use a bowl too, it's usually clean but sometimes they tip it over :hmm
  14. Insnesnakos

    Coffee Club

    Good morning :frow
  15. Insnesnakos

    Hello, Hello!

    Welcome to BYC :frow
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