Recent content by immyjay54

  1. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Sally, My dad always told us that one rooster could cover 15 hens with no problems. I've had as high as 12 with no fertility problems and that was with birds in their 1 through 2 year old years. I hate having just a couple because if the male is any good at all he will drive the girls crazy...
  2. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Trying for the cockerel now. LOL This is so crazy, guess if you all want to see other pictures, you will have to go to my site. Project reds page. Wanted to also say that it will be 2 years tomorrow since our old buddy passed. Still miss him so much. It just isn't the same without him on...
  3. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Hi all, As everyone can see, I don't post much anymore. I really don't have to much to say. I do read up on here quite often and still have a few birds. Not as many as I used to have. Old Rocky Raccoon paid a visit this summer and took 8 or 9 of my nice big girls and 2 of my young project birds...
  4. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    They look to have some RIR in them but like so many birds today, they are crossed with something else. You will probably get good egg layers but they are not pure RIR's. Enjoy them anyway unless you are wanting to show.
  5. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I can't find the picture that you are talking about.
  6. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Thanks so much for the nice comment.
  7. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Thanks for the comment CMOM Fred, he is very stout and the color in his tail is outstanding. I have 14 of these, 8 pullets and 6 cockerels. 2 are definite culls but the other 12 are going to really be hard to say no to. I see something in each of them that I really like. lol First time this...
  8. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Just a couple shots taken this evening of my project birds. I am kind of pleased. These are 17 weeks today. Last picture shows the yellow/horn on these guys. Feather quality is not the greatest right now, they are going through their juvenile molt. LOL
  9. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Most of my young cockerels around that age and size don't have their tail feathers. lol The pullets always seem to develop their tails quicker. Mine are 12 weeks old right now and still most of them have tail feathers. (Cockerels) Check out the pictures I posted about a week ago and you'll see...
  10. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Very hard to tell by this picture but the one on the branch seems to have a little heavier leg and body then the others. One thing I'd say for sure is that the one in the middle is a pullet. This photo is just to hard to see close up.
  11. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I'm not an expert but it doesn't look like this little pullet has and traits of a Silkie. She doesn't look very old by her head feathering. Also, I guess all things are possible but it seems very unlikely that a silkie male could mate with a full grown RIR hen. Seems more likely that a RIR male...
  12. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site Go to these two links and you will see pictures of my Underwood birds from hatch to grown ups. Please don't think that I am saying that mine...
  13. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Nice chicks CMOM. The work is never done. lol
  14. immyjay54

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Thanks CMOM I'm a little happy with them.
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