Recent content by ilovmychicks

  1. ilovmychicks

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    UPDATE: Miss Pretty is doing wonderful and eating on her own! She is such a GREAT chicken! She has been through it all! She is now eating worms and she LOVES her spinach, strawberries with whipped cream of course! Sonny did a GREAT job at feeding and washing her to health! He truly saved her...
  2. ilovmychicks

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    No No hun we are hand feeding her mushed up food and electrolites and vitamins and feed her out of a syringe thingy. She's in her own cage in the house and then we take her outside when its nice and put her in a wired dog house with the bottom out so she can get some grass and bugs but she...
  3. ilovmychicks

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    Og God I pray! She is so strong and when we put her outside inside floorless cage she tries so hard to eat the grass and bugs but just don't know how yet. Will she learn??? Yes I apologized I felt so bad that I didn't see her reply! We still have no idea how much too feed and how often to feed...
  4. ilovmychicks

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    Im sorry I posted that last post I didn't see the replies! Thank you for all you guys do! Can anyone tell us how often and how much she should be eating?
  5. ilovmychicks

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    Yes her tongue is in tact she seems to try to eat on her own we are just not sure HOW much and HOW often?
  6. ilovmychicks

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    Well Miss Pretty is doing OK so far. My angel hubby (I call him Dr Doolittle"} Feeds her twice a day with a syringe and of course water throughout the day. We keep her in her separate dog crate with a heat lamp when chilly and yesterday we had a beautiful day here so we put her outside in her...
  7. ilovmychicks

    Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

    Hello to all my animal loving friends! It has been a long time snce I have visited. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing? I shouldnt just show up when its ME and my babys! I should check in frequntly to help others if I could just help one just one animal, I feel my mission here...
  8. ilovmychicks

    I lost Stewy!

    Hello everyone I have not visited in a while all of my chickens are doing great. Although I have a problem. I had two goats Stewie and peanut for ten years now I just lost Stewie of old age and now I'm left with peanut all alone. They say that you should have more than one goat because goats are...
  9. ilovmychicks

    Chicken doing funny thing with head

    One of my hens is very lethargic meaning she is just standing in one spot sometimes closing her eyes she is drinking water but she's doing something really funny with her head I've never seen her do this before what could this be???
  10. ilovmychicks

    Frozen chicken!!!

    Well everone, she passed this morning. God blessed us and took her without Sonny having to do anything. Shes better off. I tried.. I TRIED HARD....Thank you everyone for all the encouragement, the advice, prayers. You all are wonderful people!
  11. ilovmychicks

    Frozen chicken!!!

    Well everone, she passed this morning. God blessed us and took her without Sonny having to do anything. Shes better off. I tried.. I TRIED HARD....Thank you everyone for all the encouragement, the advice, prayers. You all are wonderful people! REST IN PEACE MY BABY BIRD.
  12. ilovmychicks

    Frozen chicken!!!

    Awww thank you so much.....I am still hoping for a mircle...thats what I've been doing for almost a week. I have her upstairs with me in my bdrm...keeping her comfy and....just telling her it's OK to go but I'd rather her fight instead...selfish of me.. thanks for caring...means alot
  13. ilovmychicks

    Frozen chicken!!!

    And thank you all fit being so caring and kind!! Say a prayer that God will just take her...
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