Recent content by illinichick

  1. illinichick

    What's the difference between RIR and NHR?

    I dont think the ones with combs are all roosters. I have 10 RIR's and 10 NHR's. In the group of 10 with combs, I know I have one roo, he's crowing and starting spurs, the other nine are smaller and aren't starting the shoulder feathers. I now know the ten that are the darker red are RIR's...
  2. illinichick

    EE roo?

    Wow! I have one exactly like this and he is three months old and crowing. I've never heard the theory of the brown shoulders but it must be true. I identify him by saying "the gray one with the brown saddle". lol
  3. illinichick

    What's the difference between RIR and NHR?

    I must have NHR's because they are not a deep mahogany, thanks for your inputs! I'm going to try and post a pic. I have a pic uploaded but can't figure out how to get it with my message. In the pic. you'll see the two types of red chickens....I have ten with large combs ( I know one is is...
  4. illinichick

    questions , questions , questions and more question's--all about a roo

    I have a 5 year old Barred Rock Roo that's getting ready to show at the 4H poultry show for the 5th time tomorrow. He stands at 2ft tall and has never offered to do any harm. He always steps aside when I enter the pen and is easy to catch. I also have a white silkie roo that is 4 years old and...
  5. illinichick

    What's the difference between RIR and NHR?

    Could someone please tell me the difference in looks from the Rhode Islands and New Hampshires? I have ten of each and they are 12 weeks old. One set has large red combs and dark tail feathers. The other set has smaller combs and dark tails. I've looked on feathersite and don't see any visible...
  6. illinichick

    Huge Mystery Birds in the trees in my yard, what are they....

    Wild turkeys roost in tall trees at night and forage on the ground during the day. They don't fly far distances, just enough to get down and out of a tree. Our hunting season for turkeys starts this weekend.
  7. illinichick

    frost bite on comb

    Out temps got down to about zero last night also. Our big BR roo, who had frost bite last year, has it again on his lower wattles. I had to resort to heated dog bowls today, when my heated bases wouldnt keep up with this frigid weather. I know the dipping of wattles into the water is not good...
  8. illinichick

    Only at a BYC'ers, would you hear....

    I have my FIL "trained" to bring their melon and veg scraps over and throw them in the chicken pen. The chickens now know the sound of his four wheeler and will coming running! He didnt know they were so smart.
  9. illinichick

    no wonder I hate dogs

    This is not meant to "steal" your thread but we had to put down our Choc Lab 7yrs old and Irish Setter 9yrs old last weekend. They had gotten out of their pen twice before in the past 2yrs we've had chickens and killed most of our flock which was FFA and 4H projects. This time was the LAST...
  10. illinichick

    Cat or Owl----- Killed Ducks?? warning: Pics

    In the past, we've had barn kittens go missing in the summer and come Fall when my DH goes on top of the grain bins, he finds kitten skeletons from where the owls take them up there to feed.
  11. illinichick

    Funny Snake Story

    I had a dream last night that there was a huge Anaconda in my yard, going for the chicken house. I chopped it's head with a hoe and it shriveled up to a small snake!
  12. illinichick

    in this thread we post our REAL age (no minors please)

    Just you wait Ms. Maple, your times 'acomin.
  13. illinichick

    in this thread we post our REAL age (no minors please)

    Having a baby around will be great. It's just that I dont feel like I'm old enough to be a grandma. I guess I feel like I've just entered that last stage of life.
  14. illinichick

    in this thread we post our REAL age (no minors please)

    47 1/2 and learned yesterday that I'm gonna be a GRANDMA! I dont even want to think about being called "Grandma"
  15. illinichick

    and you thought i was done hangin sheets...

    My grandma always made her curtains out of sheets. I think it's neat. You have a much better selection of colors and patterns!
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