Recent content by Iknownothing101

  1. I

    What is this chick?

    I'm bad with updates but here is a couple pictures of Muffin, in one he is 4 days old, in the other he is 8 months old. Our chickens have an enclosed coup that they sleep in, from dawn to dusk they are free range. Or I think pasture raised is the better term. They all love taking dust baths and...
  2. I

    What is this chick?

    It's been a long time since I posted. I am sorry to say that Nugget didn't make it. They were 6 days old when we went out to the coup to check on them, and they had passed, they were perfectly fine a couple hours ago and we have no idea what happened. There was no clear cause of death. Nugget...
  3. I

    What is this chick?

    So I have a small flock, 11 chickens, 12 now I guess. 9 Barred Rock hens, 1 Buff Orpington hen, 1 Buff Orpington rooster, and now this little fuzzball named Nugget. My Buff Orpington hen, Elizabeth, was trying to hatch 3 eggs. She hatched 1 and abandoned the other 2 eggs. Looking at this chick...
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