Recent content by ihatedarkroast

  1. ihatedarkroast

    Pallet Hoop House Progress Pics

    I know many have done this before, but I'm overly excited and wanted to share. 😀 This is actually for a greenhouse, but if I ever build a larger chicken coop, I will make one of these. We have had a lot of struggles making this. Maybe sharing will help someone. The concrete pad is not level...
  2. ihatedarkroast

    Very large flat hardware mesh roof

    We put railroad ties across ours because that's what we had laying around-- the remains of a previous hay barn. Then we fixed plastic bird netting/deer fence over it...which was leftover from my parent's vegetable garden. The outside walls are chicken wire and hardware cloth attached to woven...
  3. ihatedarkroast

    Advice on neighbor who shot at my dog

    I feel ya 100%. I've owned multiple houdini dogs. I currently have a tibetan mastiff mixed with bloodhound that is an escape artist. He has made himself a stench in the nostrils of my neighbors on multiple occasions. One set of neighbors near us kept picking him up and dropping our dog at the...
  4. ihatedarkroast

    How do you tell the difference in chicken and duck eggs (both white)?

    The FILTHY one is the duck egg. They like to roll their eggs in mud and poo and hide them. They are also sometimes kinda gummy/slimy feeling and smell faintly like a fish tank because of their thick waterproof coating they get. Good thing they taste really really good! :he
  5. ihatedarkroast

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Oh ok. I posted some pics above though if it helps. Thanks for the info. :)
  6. ihatedarkroast

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Stress causes this? I thought maybe it was just bad genetics?
  7. ihatedarkroast

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    No white underfluff. It's a bold stark white splash. It's about 1/3rd length of a feather. I will try to get a pic this afternoon.
  8. ihatedarkroast

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    So, I have this BCM rooster who is about 2 years old now. At about a year, he developed a tiny white splash at the base of a single tail feather. This white splash has spread a little up the shaft and to the base of 3-4 other tail feathers. Is this what's called parasitic white? I take it that...
  9. ihatedarkroast

    My First Flock in Years

    Hello. Just wanted to report the birth of one chick. (Likely roo). All the others perished unhatched after mama hen abandoned the nest. This little guy is doing great though. Keeping him on my porch until he is a bit bigger. In the main hen house we had a blacksnake steal an egg. I hit it with...
  10. ihatedarkroast

    Bumblefoot Again

    Thank you. The chicken is ignoring the fact that the bandage is there and scratching and doing all the things she normally does now. I might take a look at the foot again and change the bandage this weekend then. I asked here about the rabbit because it seems botfly larvae affect chickens...
  11. ihatedarkroast

    Any Hope for Abandoned Eggs?

    *update My daughter accidentally broke an egg.....ugh...ugh... definitely gone!
  12. ihatedarkroast

    Bumblefoot Again

    So about a month ago or so I noticed our favorite pet hen had a bumble on one foot. I Washed it, put ointment on, I changed the bedding in the coop and kind of forgot about it as she was acting normally. Then I saw it had gotten a lot worse a week or so ago with a knot forming on top of the foot...
  13. ihatedarkroast

    Any Hope for Abandoned Eggs?

    I really like your idea. Next time if i notice it in time i will try that! Unfortunately, these eggs are gone I think.
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