Recent content by Huntmaster

  1. Huntmaster

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Been busy here lots of poults hatched and sold in last few weeks. Down to last hen sitting and will soon be done hatching for this spring. Was happy with results without plugging in my incubators. Was able to hatch out 101 poults so far with 79 sold and 22 in brooder. Also took last 3 days to...
  2. Huntmaster

    Quail egg scissors, experience?

    I use the cheap scissors I buy them in 12 packs for about $15 bucks and give them to my new egg customers. They work well for me.
  3. Huntmaster

    Duckling egg externally pipped but no movement or developing in hours. Please HELP!

    I would be patient as ducks can take even longer to fully hatch than chickens. It can take 24 to 48 hours from external pip to zipping out of egg.
  4. Huntmaster

    Humidity problems - Need help!

    Are these chicken eggs? If so, are there any pips or signs of hatching?
  5. Huntmaster

    Humidity problems - Need help!

    Hello, is there room to put a wet sponge or two inside incubator?
  6. Huntmaster

    Possible lash egg?

    It looks like a pile of male foam, what was its consistency.
  7. Huntmaster

    Oyster shell container

    Not sure what size holes I drilled it was about 10 years ago. But they were not very large just big enough to let water drain and not let pieces fall through.
  8. Huntmaster

    Oyster shell container

    I use these attached to 4x4 post used for pens. One on each side of post, one with grit one with OC. I just drilled holes in bottom to drain, have had them for 10 years now work great for me.
  9. Huntmaster

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    To all today, a SOLEMN REMEMBRANCE to those who have DIED in service. And also, a BIG THANKS to all who have and currently serve.🇺🇲:thumbsup
  10. Huntmaster

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    To all today, a SOLEMN REMEMBRANCE to those who have DIED in service. And also, a BIG THANKS to all who have and currently serve.🇺🇲
  11. Huntmaster

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Those little hussies.
  12. Huntmaster

    Help! call duckling - no internal pip, should I assist soon?

    I would not make a safety hole until they have internally pipped. Making a hole too soon aids in membrane drying out. Being patient is your best option at this point.
  13. Huntmaster

    Help! Eggs are overdue

    :welcome Sorry to hear all your troubles if that is your egg in pic that is on day 24, it is very underdeveloped and doesn't look right from picture and not likely it will be a successful hatch. If all your eggs look like this at day 24 of incubation it doesn't look good for any hatching.
  14. Huntmaster

    Incubating eggs

    Good luck hope everything works out for you and your next hatches.
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