Recent content by hudz1986

  1. hudz1986

    Bumble foot getting worse!!!

    Hi all, 2 of my mum's chickens have bumblefoot which I have been treating. It hasn't been successful and I don't live with my parent so the chickens don't get treated everyday. Today I notice their feet are worse. One of the had a big bulg sticking out from the top of her foot. It looked like...
  2. hudz1986

    Mother duck pulling the feathers off her ducklings

    The ducklings are about 7 to 8 weeks old. Some have actually started to quack. They have an indoor area they can sleep in overnight and huddle together.
  3. hudz1986

    Mother duck pulling the feathers off her ducklings

    What kind of vitamins should i give her? I get them duck pellets with protein however she was eating their chick feed So I think that could be reason.
  4. hudz1986

    Mother duck pulling the feathers off her ducklings

    Hey all. I need some advice. My pekin hen hatched 6 ducklings. She was a great and very protective mum. The ducklings are now much bigger. My mother called me today telling me that the mother ducks is pecking the ducklings and pulling out their feather or fluff. I had to go down and separate the...
  5. hudz1986

    Really sick chicken

    Unfortunately she passed away 😔 We have another chicken which had the same symptoms but we started treatment early so she's doing better. My mum kept adding new chickens to the previous flock after some of her chicken were killed by foxes. Hopefully the rest of the chickens weren't exposed to...
  6. hudz1986

    Really sick chicken

    Hi there, My mum has some sick chickens. The one that's really sick started with bubbly watery eyes. She started to scratch them..the next day both her eyes were swollen shut with a big amount of discharge. She's been like that for more than 2 weeks. I've read about mycoplasma and unfortunately...
  7. hudz1986

    Ducks being aggressive

    😔 same
  8. hudz1986

    Ducks being aggressive

    I agree. Even though she was being bullied she still seemed happy.
  9. hudz1986

    Ducks being aggressive

    We gave her back to the owners we got her from. For some reason they told my mum she won't survive. I don't think that's true. She has some missing feathers on her neck. But hearing that really upset me.
  10. hudz1986

    Ducks being aggressive

    My mum has decided to give the duck away. It's too stressful for her as I don't live on the property to help. 😥
  11. hudz1986

    Ducks being aggressive

    I will thank you 😊
  12. hudz1986

    Ducks being aggressive

    Yea I will try and separate her. If that doesn't work I will try to find her a new home. It makes me upset because I got her her for the male so he has more than one female. But that didn't work out. Thank you for you're response.
  13. hudz1986

    Ducks being aggressive

    Both females were both older but not laying eggs when we got yhe Will she survive. She's missing lots of feathers from her neck. I feel really bad. I'm thinking of giving her away.
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