Recent content by Hozer

  1. Hozer

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Mine have not been very broody. They'll get a notion in the spring and sit on the nest for up to a week or so , but they get over it pretty quickly and are easily kicked off the nest and forget to go back on. None of mine have gone full on broody. In the winter they will sit on the eggs...
  2. Hozer

    Think it's too cold for your chickens? Think again...

    No. Just sell them. Local groceries will buy them also. We don't have many regulations up here. It's one of the things I like about Alaska. You have a problem dog...shoot it. I talked to our local state trooper about problem dogs. He said, "Shoot it." They'll back you up. The...
  3. Hozer

    Think it's too cold for your chickens? Think again...

    I don't know her very well, but she is no longer running a hatchery. I think she wants to put more time into her family. As far as heating the coop, right now it's about 5 deg F outside in Homer, AK. I have 2/250 watt red heat bulbs on my chickens and one on their water. The waterer is 5...
  4. Hozer

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Question for you all.... I have a huge hen that has, to my untrained eye, the perfect comb. It looks like a mini rooster comb. Is this a good or bad trait. BTW she's older now but was a good layer of a nice dark, evenly colored, pointed egg. I know, I know, post a picture. I'll work...
  5. Hozer

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    My first batch of birds started laying a little shy of 6 months. The hens started "yelling" at me. I thought "What's their problem?" They began laying shortly after that.
  6. Hozer

    How I Solved My Humidity Problems

    I found my hovabator runs with too high a humidity (apx. 70 %) only using the center reservoir. It is also difficult to see if it has any water in it...especially with the auto cradle and I had to open the incubator to add water. So I worked out the following set up: I'm sure I'm not the...
  7. Default


  8. Hozer

    Welsummer x Ameraucana

  9. Hozer

    Welsummer x Ameraucana

    I have a real mixed batch of chicks from 3 different coops, 4 of which are mine with 2 pure Welsummers and maybe 2 Ameraucana/Welsummer crosses. Specifically welsummer roo x black Ameraucana hen. Any Idea what these chicks should look like?????
  10. Hozer

    hens eating eggs

    One more thought...a friend had black sexlinks eating their eggs. He put a board across the bottom of the nest boxes so they could not see in so easily and they stopped the egg eating...go figure. Maybe raise the nest boxes. I have a rooster that eats eggs. Not just one now and then, but...
  11. Hozer

    post pics of your runs

    Quote: I bet that sight made the biddies poop their feathers. Exactly, there are 17 hens and 1 rooster inside...crapping their britches.
  12. Hozer

    post pics of your runs

    4x4 all weather wood (AWW) posts and AWW plywood kick board. Herring net over the top and apx. 2 feet of welded wire laying flat on the outside of the run covered with sand to keep the dogs out.
  13. Hozer

    Half completed coop - finish or start over?

    Quote: The best suggestion I got from a friend that alredy had chickens is to have a coop set up so you don't have to step in chicken manure every time you want to collect eggs. This is especially important if you have a spouse that is not completely on board. That means an outside door to...
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