Recent content by Hoping and Wishing

  1. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Thank you. Yes, I can see a little more social grooming happening today. Also many legs doing long stretches after being under the heat.
  2. H

    BYC Café

    Thank you!
  3. H

    BYC Café

    Thank you!
  4. H

    BYC Café

    Thank you for the welcome. Love your photos. I especially like the wooden planter! So much better than plastic!
  5. H

    BYC Café

  6. H

    BYC Café

    Thank you! Oh you have a wonderful array of birds. @drumstick diva I noticed less smaller birds like the goldfinch last year. I did not plant sunflowers last year. Usually they feast on the seeds from my sorrel, but not last year. I will try to put in a few sunflower seeds this year and see...
  7. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Yesterday, mostly a group of 5 would come out at a time and today I am seeing more of the whole group of 7 coming out at the same time. I think that is a "yay'! What does it mean when they peck at each other's beak in the front? A greeting?
  8. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Yes, the hatchery packing instructions told me to add chick grit to the chick food. I did that and sprinkled a little on the paper towels lining the food/water area. I know they need that grit since they do not have teeth. Pretty amazing that grit, does that for them! I appreciate all help and...
  9. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Oh great! I save many plastic food containers. Thank you for that idea. Brilliant!
  10. H

    BYC Café

    My first time on the Cafe. Hello global poultry people! Well we have had a record warm March and April is not much father behind. Still rainy, as usual. My daughter sighted a hawk in my yard yesterday. The old one must have died last year and a new one has come around.
  11. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Thank you for the welcome. Yes, light off as the sun sets. I will sleep better tonight knowing they all made it last night, through the night. Added some grass to their greens today. I was worried about the littlest one. Today it seems to be joining the group more. I checked for pasty butt and...
  12. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Thank you for the welcome. I may need to do that as well since this is their first whole day with me. Any secrets to not spilling water when you turn it over without a towel under it?
  13. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    That is a thought, but its a long ride to get another waterer. Maybe I will slowly dilute the electrolyte water after the first week? At what week will I need more than a one quart waterer for 7 chickens?
  14. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Thank you for your reply and welcome. They did sleep well. I learned this morning to keep my routine of taking care of my dog first, then the chicks. I am thrilled seven went to bed and seven woke up. Weighed them this morning. My smallest is 33 grams, largest 41 grams. Monitoring the little...
  15. H

    Chicks Came today, Do I put in cleaner water tonight or wait until tomorrow?

    Thank you for your reply. I did change the water. All 7 are trilling this morning. Brought them some dandelion leaves. So far no pasty buts. I was wondering what to call that sing song voice.☺
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