Recent content by Hopelives07

  1. Hopelives07

    Another roo or hen question...

    Oh okay...Thanks!
  2. Hopelives07

    Another roo or hen question...

    Thanks! I guess the straight feathers (not two lengths isn't a clue its a boy). I appreciate the help! If you have time to share, how'd ya know?
  3. Hopelives07

    Another roo or hen question...

    Darn. How do I add photos?
  4. Hopelives07

    Another roo or hen question...

    This little guy or girl blue sapphire chick is stumping me. I initially thought it was a guy because of feathers but he doesn't have white dot on his head or in his wing feathers. Can anyone shed a little light on how to tell? They about 2 weeks approximately.
  5. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    Yes...just figured that out that she has brown feathers around her face a few minutes ago!! ROFL!! 🤣 🤣 I'm so sorry - She's fine!!!
  6. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up? I'm feeding one of the top 5. So far my chickens look great and have been laying everyday so far. If I notice anything that needs to change, I'll definitely do so. Thanks for your concern.
  7. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    I appreciate your concern - however, I never mentioned any observed symptoms of sickness. I only thought she had dirt on her face which I have new found out that I was most likely mistaken (which is hilarious). I haven't noticed any problems as of yet - however, I will keep you input in mind.
  8. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    I feel really dumb...that just maybe her coloring!! I didn't know that!!! LOL!! 🤣 🤣
  9. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    Okay nevermind...This just maybe her coloring! LOL!! Who knew?!! 😂 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks from the chicken rookie!!
  10. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    I know this maybe a dumb question but will it clear up on its own? I don't ever see a chicken washing their faces.
  11. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    Thanks for the input - Do you know anything other than a washcloth that can help get the dirt off her little face?
  12. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    Its'a high quality layer feed. I just need to know how to clean the dirt off her little face. She's getting a quality diet starting today.
  13. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    Thanks! I'll take my chances and keep an eye for anything unusual other than dirt.
  14. Hopelives07

    Rescued an Easter egger - Any advice on how to clean her up?

    Thanks! I did do that right away. It helped a little.
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