Recent content by Honomi

  1. Honomi

    Thinking of getting my first chicken

    Hi TikkaMasala fan club! My dear sister, love your name! I think you're fantastic to join BYC before having chickens?! My reccommendation would be to get at least two birds and a breed called "Warren" might be good for the first chickens for biginners, just as I did (Tikka and Masala). They were...
  2. Honomi

    Comment by 'Honomi' in article 'The cathedral of Chicken Tractors'

    Great looking job mate, the workmanship is top notch, I put a few hours into building our "tug boat Tikka Masala" but it pales into insignificance against your work of art, truly well done as this must surely be the winner so far! How many lucky birds reside there? Good luck.
  3. Honomi

    Ended Official BYC Coop Article Contest - 2017 - Win a Auto Coop Door Kit!

    Here's my coop Tug-boat Tikka Masala, tractor coop article. I edited/updated my original article from the one I made about 3 weeks ago. I'd be grateful if someone could let me know if my article has sufficient information...
  4. Honomi

    anyone in England ?

    Hi I am in Cornwall
  5. Honomi

    Comment by 'Honomi' in article 'Tug boat Tikka Masala'

    Thank you for posting a comment.
  6. Honomi

    Comment by 'Honomi' in article 'Tug boat Tikka Masala'

    Thanks for your comment. Our new gIrls have been in the coop almost a week and are settling in very well.
  7. Honomi

    How do I enter my coop to the "coop of the week" or "coop of the month" or "coop competition"?

    It seems I have managed to enter photos. My coop article is under the Articles/ Chicken Coops/ Chicken Tractors/ page 12 at the moment or search "Tug boat Tikka Masala". or Thanks anyone for viewing it. Hope you enjoy.
  8. Honomi

    How do I enter my coop to the "coop of the week" or "coop of the month" or "coop competition"?

    I've just created an article under the "coop tractor" but all my photos weren't showing although the text has appeared. Can anyone help explain how I can attach my photo in that article?
  9. Tug boat Tikka Masala

    Tug boat Tikka Masala

    Hello everyone, Unfortunately my first two chickens I ever owned called "Tikka and Masala" died of old age August 2016 within 3 weeks of each other. I felt their loss very much and my husband said when I felt ready to have some new chickens he would build a coop that would be a nice size for 6...
  10. Honomi

    How do I enter my coop to the "coop of the week" or "coop of the month" or "coop competition"?

    Thank you both. I will attempt to upload photos and brief story of how the coop "Tug boat Tikka Masala" evolved via "Create article/ Coop" in the next few days. I hope you can view it and if you feel it's worthy please tick in the like box!
  11. Honomi

    How do I enter my coop to the "coop of the week" or "coop of the month" or "coop competition"?

    Hi, my two chickens died last summer with their old age. I'm getting ready for new chickens' arrival in next few days. My husband made a coop ready for them and would like to enter to the coop of the week or coop of the month or coop competition by BYC if it's running currently such a thing. Can...
  12. Honomi

    Comment by 'Honomi' in article 'Old Chickens: Giving Them Comfortable Last Days'

    Heartfelt article and good tips, thank you. It's hard to get over it as my very first two chickens past away last August both in old age so your article helps me going for the future. I didn't have courage to cull them but they seemed happy to the end. R.I.P. Tikka and Masala.
  13. Honomi

     Old hens

    My two hens, Warren-breed, nearly 3 years old have been producing lash eggs in various sizes.The last real egg I had from either was last December. They can still eat and drink but standing like penguins, fluffed up and closing eyes pretty much most of days. Should I still keep feeding them...
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