Recent content by homesteading101

  1. homesteading101

    Four week old Dark Brahmas

    I love brahmas
  2. homesteading101

    First time with chicks

    You're good it'll be fine. Enjoy the experience having chickens is one of my favorite things today
  3. homesteading101

    Do You Like Feather-Footed Chickens?

    My brahma's this batch finally have fluffy feet without them being pecked out, a miracle indeed
  4. homesteading101

    What can I feed to help put weight on this chick?

    All my young babies get fed oats with their starter feed and they do great. However they may not touch the dry oats because they don't know what it is, that's why I start young
  5. homesteading101

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    I used to use a metal can lid as a shield for my aggressive roosters and it never worked lol eventually I got rid of them
  6. homesteading101

    Chicken chocking

    If it was severely choking it would be dead, my guess it's pushing it's food down someone else might be able to help you and figure out what it is
  7. homesteading101

    Chicken chocking

    Are you sure it's just not the bird doing that to push the food down? Chickens do that alot and looks like choking
  8. homesteading101

    Lone survivor

    Black sex links have a good temperament I'd buy one or two more
  9. homesteading101

    Getting Babies This Friday

    Lots of ventilation, 2x4 roosts, put a 1x4 or plywood in front of nesting boxes so they can't kick bedding out, functional way to clean coop and compost if need be, make it tall enough you don't have to crouch or bend over for anything
  10. homesteading101

    Chicken got attacked by raccoon, has a hole under her wing

    I'd take smiya's advice seems the most logical good luck let's hope for the best
  11. homesteading101

    Have egg sales declined more than usual?

    So northern Michigan I saw pasture raised for $6 and the white commercial eggs at Walmart are about $2.75-$3. I sell mine at $2 or less I suppose I could charge more because pasture raised but nah the egg money is nothing compared to selling food itself I just love birds
  12. homesteading101

    How to raise your chickens to be extremely tame.

    Yeah, when I let the birds hatch I spend a lot of time with the mother so she doesn't turn into a demon raptor and attack me. Most of my birds liked to be held then go through a teenage stage where they don't want to be around me or scared of me, then when they lay all they wanna do is be in...
  13. homesteading101

    Rat proof feeder options.

    Think I've only seen one rat up here in decades only mice, that sucks and would be extremely annoying
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