Recent content by homeschoolchick

  1. homeschoolchick

    I bet your mother is thankful you feel that way. I am glad you feel that way as well. Even if...

    I bet your mother is thankful you feel that way. I am glad you feel that way as well. Even if your children, in the future, end up feeling like they missed out on something, you will definitely be doing the best for them by home schooling.
  2. homeschoolchick

    Thank you! Keep up the good work. I think we both made a choice that is the best for children...

    Thank you! Keep up the good work. I think we both made a choice that is the best for children, especially in this crazy world today. Not everyone is as blessed to be able to stay at home and teach their own children.
  3. homeschoolchick

    Naked Neck breed mix?

    Thank you for the response. I was curious because some of his hatch mates have feathers on their legs and some do not. I think he is pretty, and love his long tail feathers. He has a good personality as well.
  4. homeschoolchick

    Naked Neck breed mix?

    No guesses? I got them at 5 weeks, back in the early summer.
  5. homeschoolchick

    Naked Neck breed mix?

    Hello :) I was wondering what mix are my Naked Necks. I didn't know if the rooster would give a better clue than the girls. I got him from someone who said her hen (a naked neck) went missing and came back with babies. She is not sure who the rooster was that mated with her, because she has a...
  6. homeschoolchick

    Does this poop look normal

    I have two Polish girls, who have not started laying yet, in quarentine. They have been there since November 26th. I had picked the two girls up, plus a rooster. The rooster had started having a lot of bloody diarrhea on day 12 of quarentine. I had a thread on him, because at one point it looked...
  7. homeschoolchick

    Does this poop look normal

    I meant to mention that the watery poop in the picture has a mealworm in it that she did not poop out like that, it was on the ground.
  8. homeschoolchick

    Does this poop look normal

    I know there are pictures, but this is from a hen after corid treatments. They are now receiving vitamins and probiotics. Towards the end of the treatment she had watery stool and now it is more wet than formed. Is this normal? I have a picture of the watery one and then this mornings...
  9. homeschoolchick

    Rooster is bleeding from vent and I think his intestines are out

    The rooster (affectionately called The Fonze) did not have any bleeding yesterday or last night. He is still alart, eating and drinking. I have picture of his vent from this morning. It isn't the best because his feathers kept covering it. But you can see there is no bleeding like before.
  10. homeschoolchick

    Rooster is bleeding from vent and I think his intestines are out

    So, he just had a watery poop. Others have been formed. Could this be from the Corid?(remember I gave Corid when I first saw blood, I was going to finish the round just incase)
  11. homeschoolchick

    Rooster is bleeding from vent and I think his intestines are out

    Thank you for the separation suggestion. I did have him separated at first, but the person I bought him from suggested not stressing him out and putting him back with the girls, since he wasn't bleeding and he looked fine. I am with him now and so far the vent looks fine. I will pit him back in...
  12. homeschoolchick

    Rooster is bleeding from vent and I think his intestines are out

    I did find that rude. I don't have a vet locally that sees chickens, I called every vet around. Maybe next time, that statement could be worded differently. ❤️
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