Recent content by HomeofTheChicks

  1. HomeofTheChicks

    Any clue on how to gender Broad Breasted White Turkey polts?

    Greetings! I have a broad breasted white turkey polt and I am unable to tell what gender it may be. Can anyone tell what gender it is or know of any methods I can use for that?
  2. HomeofTheChicks

    Hi there!

    Hello, welcome to BYC! good luck with those new chicks!! 🐣
  3. HomeofTheChicks

    Which one is a barred rock?

    Here is a mixture of pictures of the chicks. See what you think by the patterns!
  4. HomeofTheChicks

    Which one is a barred rock?

    Do you mean that cream legbars also have the barred rock pattern and yellow feet?
  5. HomeofTheChicks

    Which one is a barred rock?

    The pictures show two chicks. One hatched out of a blue/teal egg and one hatched out of a brown egg. The lady who gave me the blue eggs said the parents were cream legbars which is how I know they are not all barred rocks. The lady that gave me them also said she didnt have any barred rocks so i...
  6. HomeofTheChicks

    Which one is a barred rock?

    Hi! I recently hatched a clutch of cream legbars and barred rocks. They got mixed up and now I can tell who is who. I found a small difference though. Some of them have tan feet and some have yellowish feet. Does anyone know which one id the barred and which one is the legbar?
  7. HomeofTheChicks

    Need help identifying chick breed!

    Thanks for trying to help! Its just so hard because they all look identical. Im hoping theres a key feature someone will catch. I did notice few differences in the feet.
  8. HomeofTheChicks

    Need help identifying chick breed!

    I recently hatched some cream legbar chicks and barred rock chicks. Unfortunately they got mixed up and I cant tell which is a legbar and which is a barred rock. The fluffy one is an Oliver egger so you don't have to worry about identifying that one. Thanks for any help!
  9. HomeofTheChicks

    What do you guys think about these Duck eggs? Healthy or unhealthy?

    Well, I'm sad and happy to report that only one out of four of the duck eggs made it, and only 3 out of the 6 chicken eggs hatched. I had to run and buy some siblings for the lonely duck that hatched so it could socialize. It follows me everywhere so I'm sure it may have imprinted on me. The...
  10. HomeofTheChicks

    What do you guys think about these Duck eggs? Healthy or unhealthy?

    haha yes thats why I was incubating them.
  11. HomeofTheChicks

    What do you guys think about these Duck eggs? Healthy or unhealthy?

    One of the duck eggs is currently trying to hatch. Almost all the chickens have hatched. I am concerned though. One of the chicks has splayed legs and I dont know what to do
  12. HomeofTheChicks

    My Introduction

    Something I forgot to mention in my intro is that we are also incubating chick eggs. We had our first hatcher today! Healthy thus far.
  13. HomeofTheChicks

    Does anyone know how to tell what day chicks are on?

    We had our first hatcher today! Completely healthy and so far nothing has gone wrong.
  14. HomeofTheChicks

    using pallets for flooring in coop

    I have read an article on the different types of flooring you can put in a run when it becomes a muddy mess. I see your idea as a really good one.
  15. HomeofTheChicks

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Hello! Please pray for me. My drivers test is this Wednesday and Im going for my drivers license. Please pray that God will give me peace, understanding, and remembrance of everything I have practiced leading up to this point.
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