Recent content by HollyBerrie

  1. H

    CORNISH ROCKS, pets?

    Even though it seems @Chicken poppy has gotten the answers I just want to add a few things: Purchasing a few Cornish Cross chicks for pets from the local farm store is such a small number is not going make one dent or smidgen of difference in the whole realm of "encouraging" the industry, but...
  2. H

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    I'm not taking your post as arguing, just discussion.
  3. H

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Hand sanitizing stations in the produce department would help. Peaches normally ripen fairly quickly, and a rotten peach can be detected by sight. I admit I do catch myself wanting to pick up different pieces of fruit to inspect before choosing the right one, however I do purchase the one(s)...
  4. H

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    One favor I would like to ask: People please, at the grocery store, farmers' market, and fruit/vegetable stand, only handle the fresh produce you are going to purchase, especially after fiddling with your mask.
  5. H

    I'm just sick, the dog ate my 2 chicks.

    Yes, I saw that.
  6. H

    Bad wrap for Cornish cross/Cornish rocks

    I agree. As I have raised them and are raising some now truly free range, it seems all of the "problems" are the results of flock management. Since they're free range I allow them access to food all of the time, just like all of the other chickens, except at night of course. They hang out just...
  7. H

    I'm just sick, the dog ate my 2 chicks.

    I wonder if this poster is a troll. Because who really would shoot a puppy for doing what is natural, whether it's an expensive puppy or not, and obviously not keeping the chick in a secure enclosure from harm.
  8. H

    I'm just sick, the dog ate my 2 chicks.

    These dogs cost $950.00-$2000.00. Is this poster bragging about killing such a valuable puppy? Truly a sick mind.
  9. H

    I'm just sick, the dog ate my 2 chicks.

    My dog sniffs the chicks, especially their butts. They're 9-10 weeks old. He's gotten a peck on the nose when he tried to sniff one's beak.
  10. H

    Should I warn neighbor that dog might get shot?

    Sigh...obviously there's a difference between letting run the neighborhood (as I posted as the example) and escaping the yard, or get let out by mistake. Never indicated the dog didn't deserve compassion, did I?
  11. H

    Should I warn neighbor that dog might get shot?

    Run the neighborhood was the key to my post, not accidental escapes.
  12. H

    Should I warn neighbor that dog might get shot?

    Owners who care about their "pets" do not let them run the neighborhood. Quotations indicate they are not true pets.
  13. H

    April Fools 2022 - Reserve Your New Username NOW!

    I logged in specifically to see what the "big announcement" would be this year. My favorite one over the years was 2018 Cryptocurrency: ChicKion.
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