Recent content by hobby homestead

  1. hobby homestead

    rooster keeps having what I think is a seizer

    sadly Rodger the rooster didntt make it he passed away sleeping on my chest and ill be freezing him till I can burry him so he comes back as a tree
  2. hobby homestead

    rooster keeps having what I think is a seizer

    thank you, and yes he was raised on normal food and he had lots of birds growing with him I just work on a little farm and I care for the birds mostly but its my farmers first time with this many chickens and ducks and Canadas winters arnt too nice and he's just a single guy with too many birds...
  3. hobby homestead

    rooster keeps having what I think is a seizer

    his diet is wheat and fish in winter with other grains I agree with the holding them stresses them out but ik if there stressed and when there relaxed Ive been with him for 4 days and whenever I pick him up to give him his medicine he just nuggets down and rest, im very intone with animals and I...
  4. hobby homestead

    rooster keeps having what I think is a seizer

    I have a rooster a copper Maran rooster to be on point he's not that young but almost a yr old but I just work on a lil farm and I saw he looked lathargic and tired and couldn't stand still or hold his balance I picked him up for a while and got him a warm epson salt bin to dip his feet in bc...
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