Recent content by hippichick

  1. hippichick

    Hutch the Halfie **The Last Chapter on Pg. 18**

    I'm so very sorry, Erin. Hutch was such a special boy, and was so lucky that you found him. I know your boys will never forget him. The horse world needs more people like you.
  2. hippichick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Jeremy, Toby is such a cutie!! Love the mud pie pic! And the puppy pics are precious. Almost makes you wish they were puppies forever. Thanks so much for posting the pics. I did get another Corgi after losing my Emmie. We got a little boy this time- Cooper. He's 6 months old now. Got him...
  3. hippichick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Beautiful birds, but I just that little Corgi! He looks like he's really getting with it there.
  4. hippichick

    Orpingtons - An ocean apart??

    I see all of these references to the UK Orp looking like a Cochin without foot feathering. For those who think this, could you explain why this is such a bad thing? I raise Cochins, as do many people, and think they're a beautiful breed-and also great layers. I've raised both American and UK...
  5. hippichick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Joy, It's so strange to see that color Orp on this thread. I'm so used to seeing BBS. But, they're so cool-looking. I'll bet it's so weird seeing them at your place, after only raising BBS for so long, huh?
  6. hippichick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Oh, I'm so sorry, Kassandra. Been there, though-more times than I care to say. It's a crapshoot. I just lucked out.
  7. hippichick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Hey guys. Jeremy, Julie, beautiful pics. Jeremy, that Neville is just gorgeous. Julie, so glad you finally got that bathroom done. I'm sure you are too. Just wanted to say I've had a great hatch on my Joy Orps. Joy, out of the 12 eggs you sent, I had 8 hatch! Not bad, huh? And, of...
  8. hippichick

    A new Hobby Soap making Love it

    Julie, they're all beautiful. I can't believe you got all of those done, on top of all the chickens, on top of the bathroom remodel! lol Hoping to get some soaping done this week. I've given away so many to friends and family, I'll run out soon if I don't make more. I think Lavender Oatmeal...
  9. hippichick

    A new Hobby Soap making Love it

    Nice, Julie. Love the color of the bamboo soap. Where did you get that scent? I think I may like to try it.
  10. hippichick

    A new Hobby Soap making Love it

    Thanks, Kass. And I know what you mean. I feel the need too. lol I was going to make a batch today, but it didn't happen. I wish I had nothing else to do, darnit. Next week, definitely. I need to order some essential oils first anyway. Need some good scents...
  11. hippichick

    A new Hobby Soap making Love it

    Thought I'd post a couple of pics of the soaps I've made so far. These are my first 3 batches. The first two are lavender oatmeal and eucalyptus oatmeal. The second pic is my lavender chamomile. They're nothing fancy, but I just love the natural look of them. I do want to try some coloring...
  12. hippichick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Well, how cool is that?! Have either of y'all candled? I just checked, and it's been 7 days here too. Oh, and just thought I'd post this pic to show just how big these English girls are. I went to the coop last night, and one of my blue girls had gotten off her nest briefly to get a drink...
  13. hippichick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Hey Joy. Just checking in to say I candled this morning, and it looks like I've got quite a few little English Orps growing. It's been about a week, I guess. Fingers crossed. We'll see what happens.
  14. hippichick

    A new Hobby Soap making Love it

    This is the recipe I used. Castor Oil – 1.5 oz Coconut Oil – 19 oz Olive Oil – 30 oz Palm Oil – 14 oz. Lye - 9.5 oz Water – 20.5 oz. I added my lavender EO and ground up oatmeal at trace. The brand of EO is Wyndmere. It says on the label 'pure essential oil". I LOVE the soap. The smell...
  15. hippichick

    A new Hobby Soap making Love it

    Well, I'm using my Lavender Oatmeal soap-the very first one that I made. It's been 3 weeks plus. I love the oatmeal in it, and it lathers very well. But it doesn't have much of a lavendar scent. If I'm not mistaken, the bottle of EO that I used was only .7 oz. Just how much oil do you guys...
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