Recent content by hiljak

  1. hiljak

    Tiny chicken

    All mine are full or 3/4 americauna. Look up the breed there are a few different colors they can be. I have black and white, pure white, brown/tan, black, and some multicolored.
  2. hiljak

    Tiny chicken

    She already has that special eye on her! Haha, I’ve studied her movement and habits 10x more than any others. She’ll be spoiled and well taken care of
  3. hiljak

    Tiny chicken

    Hey guys, I have 4 chicks a couple months old. One of them is about half the size of the others. It eats and looks healthy, but it does stay to itself more than the others. I’m not sure what to think about it, I’ve never seen such a size difference before. That’s her in the lower left of the pic
  4. hiljak

    Self cleaning chickens

    Hey, this is my first year with my 3 RIR and 6 B. Australorp. I feed them lots of scraps from the garden, and I was all chickens clean up their scraps? Any corn cobs, rinds, etc after they eat what they want, they pile all that up in the corner of the pen. I like it, makes it...
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