Recent content by hensdeliverthegoods

  1. hensdeliverthegoods

    Who Hates Racoons???? Write Your Username Here If You Do!!!

    A raccoon is simply being its wild self and trying to survive. If they get one of your birds, it's nothing personal. Why hate? Prevention is the more logical course, in my opinion.
  2. hensdeliverthegoods

    German Shepherd owners...*update*more pics

    Quote: She's a beautiful dog, SarahFair, but she's a Belgian Malinois, not a German Shepherd.
  3. hensdeliverthegoods

    HELP! Gov wants to regulate food...

    da rules... 12. We strongly discourage religious and political topics and reserve the right to delete them at our discretion. Why do people still post these topics? It never ends well...
  4. hensdeliverthegoods

    What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    The grocery store I used to shop at in California had a store brand that I adored, and their milk chocolate ice cream with swirls of peanut butter through it was to DIE for! How I miss it...
  5. hensdeliverthegoods

    Dying hen

    Well, her rallying of yesterday evening seems to be over. She really can't even hold her head up now, yet she is still alive. If she's still alive tomorrow morning, I'm going to take her with me to work and see if the vet I work for will euthanize her. I can't stand to see sweet little...
  6. hensdeliverthegoods

    My name is Cheeper, I came from a gift egg, what am I? new pic

    Hi Cheeper, you're a cute lil' chickie! A Cochin, perhaps?
  7. hensdeliverthegoods

    Dying hen

    UPDATE! I just checked on her again, and she's eating her laying pellets! What the heck, from death's door to eating in 6 hours? Dare I hope?
  8. hensdeliverthegoods

    My four little hens (Cochins and Dominques)

    Hugh! Your babies are darling, I love the feathery feet on the Cochins! I'm from San Jose, and I remember spending a lot of happy hours in the Santa Cruz mountains. Hug a tree for me, willya?
  9. hensdeliverthegoods

    Dying hen

    She's a sex-link, Golden Comet variety. I could always recognize her by her one huge white feather in her wing. I just checked on her, and she's still alive...
  10. hensdeliverthegoods

    How does he make it look so easy??

    What a loving and uplifting thing for you to share with all of us, thank you!
  11. hensdeliverthegoods

    I am so frustrated and depressed right now.

    I'm just down the road from you in Maiden. Let me know if I can help...
  12. hensdeliverthegoods

    Dying hen

    I'm about experience the first loss from my flock. I have a hen that hasn't been eating, and today she couldn't walk. I took her out, put her in a crate and have been syringe-feeding electrolyte fluids. There are no signs of injury or disease on her that I can see, and everyone else is fine...
  13. hensdeliverthegoods

    barefoot in the coop

    It might get kinda icky, but as long as you wash your feet afterwards, you'll be ok. Oh, don't do it if you have any open sores on your feet.
  14. hensdeliverthegoods

    Roosters--but what breed?

    I agree that they're crosses, perhaps the first one is and Old English cross? They're VERY handsome fellas, however, and those pics are great!
  15. hensdeliverthegoods

    Who likes Chihuahua's?

    *looks at the bite scars on my hands* This vet assistant is NOT a fan!
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