Recent content by Henschickspups

  1. H

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    We're still creeping upwards - 218 now. Under air quality alert until tomorrow at 830a. Chickens seem to be doing ok, so hopefully it will continue that way.
  2. H

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I am - I feel awful for them, they're in an open air coop. I kept thinking it was a wildfire in the forest I live on the border of, kept smelling smoke the past few days. I'm keeping the ducks in their brooder for the day, and the two youngest chicks, one of whom has a pretty big cut anyway...
  3. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I was just looking up another plant when I saw that pokeberry seeds remain viable in soil for at least 50 years - so a bit of scarification, maybe some stratification, they should sprout for you! If not, I have plenty of seedlings you are welcome to
  4. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hoed out most of the garden. Spread dried grass clippings over the corn seeds, which I apparently didn't cover up last night. Scalped my mint patch and have it drying out some on the driveway, along with chamomile and fleabane. It's supposed to storm today, so I need to get back out there and...
  5. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    At least you get one month of summer that semi-cooperates.
  6. H

    A silly question about mule ducks

    Maybe this will just be the thread of my ducks. These guys are hilarious. Woke up to them crying this morning, and since I'd left the heat lamp off last night, thought maybe they were looking for mama heat lamp. Kind of moved under it, but still crying. Ok, well, it's about time to get...
  7. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Does the rain help your symptoms at all?
  8. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    So reading through... apparently pokeweed is not all that poisonous when cooked? I'll still be waging war on any that pop up outside designated areas - I have a toddler that is starting the everything and anything is his mouth, and he loves to help in the garden.
  9. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Pokeweed? Won't be surviving for long with it, which is why I'm getting rid of it. It's growing outside of the poison garden, AND the "that spot belongs to the snakes" hill
  10. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My singing is bad enough it might just die to get away from me. I'll try it!
  11. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Pretty much what I'm doing, but with clear plastic instead
  12. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Probably why it threw me down the hill... 🤔 I took my saw out and cut it down at the base, then saw the rest of the pokeweed army it's building. Then I laid down some clear plastic. Gonna bake it for the rest of the summer, then burn the corpse. If it comes back next year, I'll have to grab...
  13. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Trying to dig out a pokeberry that came back from last year. I think the pokeberry won.
  14. H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Finally got my melons, corn, pumpkin, eggplant, okra, cucumber, and zucchini seeds in - everything is going in very late this year. 😬 Also spread some wildflower and marigold seeds over the Canada thistle patch I ripped out yesterday. Yesterday I also finished ripping out the grass behind the...
  15. H

    A silly question about mule ducks

    Great news! I got 4 of the ducklings from the same parent flock as Not-Thomas. And they are pretty similar in age, maybe a day to three-ish older than my baby ducky!
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