Recent content by HenriettaPizzaNolan

  1. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    She's still surviving. She's not in as horrible condition as when I made this post initially, but she's clearly not at 100%. Her comb has slight purple at the end and a slight droop, but nothing like before. Occasionally I see her with her tail down. She does eat and drink. We may cull her soon...
  2. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Clarity on CX sun exposure please?

    They are smart enough to move away if they need to. I've even seen CX dust bathe. As long as you provide both sun and shade, and don't let them get so fat they can't move themselves, they'll be fine. :)
  3. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Thanks! It was nice meeting you. Enjoy the chicks. :)
  4. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Meat birds in town?

    We only run 7 at a time because it's just my husband and I. They don't get stinky because they have a lot of space and are only around for 8-10 weeks. It's going to be harder to do 50-100 birds, but I wonder if you could do 2 batches of 25-40 (one in spring, one in fall) in a run that's bigger...
  5. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Cornish crosses already weak at 4-5 weeks old

    What protein percentage feed are they getting, and are you doing a 12 hour feeding schedule? If you aren't doing a 12 hour feeding schedule, start now. Also, I'd suggest moving to 18% protein. I find that the suggested protein for broilers (~22%) is there to grow the meat as fast as chickenly...
  6. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Meat birds in town?

    I live in the city (Cleveland, OH) and raise smaller batches of meat birds twice a year. It can be done! I don't even think I have 1/4 acre. I used to tractor batches of 7, but I felt bad they had so little space, and I got sick of my tedious little tractor. Now I tractor for the first week or...
  7. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    What to do with extra bananas?

    Slice up the banana, put the pieces on some parchment on a tray, and freeze for about 2 hours. Then after they are frozen, you can put them in a bag or container in the freezer to eat as a snack or dessert, or you can dip them in melted chocolate, freeze them for a little longer to firm up the...
  8. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    I get a feeling it could be salpingitis. 2 of my hens a while ago had it, and she is showing a lot of the same signs. I haven't seen a lash egg, but maybe it's coming. And actually, now that I think of it, my husband and I saw a weird-looking ball of fleshy-looking stuff in the yard today (not...
  9. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    Aw I am so sorry to hear! :( Maybe you should post some of the symptoms of these hens on BYC. I wonder if it's something contagious going around your flock.
  10. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    Thanks for the advice. Is it okay to deworm if I'm not certain it's worms? Do I have to worm the whole flock? I have never done this before so sorry for newbie questions.
  11. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    I've never dewormed, but I also was not able to locate worms in her poop. Although I know they aren't always visible. Does this sound like worms to you? I've done the calcium citrate thing many times, but I think I would have to do it 365 days a year to get her eggshells harder, and I'm still...
  12. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Maturity for meat birds

    They might. Even though they are slower growing than the CX, they are still faster growing than a regular chicken. It's possible that this applies to sexual maturity as well.
  13. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    What meat bird should I go with?

    I only have experience with Cornish X and Rangers, but I've had a positive experience with those. They have been a good intro to processing for me, even coming from the suburbs and knowing nothing. People say the CX get too fat and can't move/get leg issues and whatnot, and that deters many...
  14. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Whey to up protein in feed?

    I do this when I have it from making yogurt. But, I'm not exactly sure how much protein whey has. Of course it has a little because that's what they make whey protein powder out of, but you have to remember how concentrated that is. If you're looking to add a significant amount of protein, you...
  15. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    I'm so sorry to hear this, and so sorry I didn't see this until now! Our hen is still with us. After I bathed her and gave her the egg yolk, she seemed to perk up the next morning with her comb being a little less purple and droopy. I also put garlic and hot pepper powder in their water. Idk...
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